London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Makeup Inspiration Ideas *

As you know I do not usually wear a lot of makeup, but I do like to dress up if we go somewhere special. To complete the look I usually take the time to change my makeup as well. Normally, I just sit in front of the mirror, and inspiration strikes almost immediately. I usually come up with the look I want, and try it out a couple of times. It only takes me an hour, if that. Doing it that way makes it easier for me to get ready on the day of the party. I feel more relaxed because I know that I have everything I need, including the right makeup, to hand.

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Unfortunately, sometimes I come up with nothing. When that happens, I turn to the following sources:

Make Up Artist Sites

One of the best places to find inspiration is websites run by makeup artists. The best ones feature fantastic galleries full of pictures of beautifully made up women. This makeup artist in Manchester is a great example of the type of site you can use.


Another great source of inspiration is magazines. I do not have many lying around, but a visit to the newsagents soon solves that problem. Wedding and fashion magazines are probably the best sources for ideas. If I cannot find anything suitable in those publications, I normally flick through the celebrity magazines and find something there.


Google Images

Another favourite source is Google images. This is an especially good place to look if you are going to a themed party. For example, if you are going to a 1920’s event, key in the search term “flapper”, and do an image search. You will get plenty of ideas from the results.


YouTube is another great place to go to for inspiration. There are thousands of makeup and makeover videos on there, which is great. But, the fact there are so many can make it hard to find exactly what you want. Again, if is a themed party, or your outfit is inspired by a specific era, use that in your search term. Usually you will quickly find what you want. If you are going to a wedding the search term’ wedding guest makeup’ works well. Do not forget the word guest. If you do, you will have to plough through dozens of bridal makeover videos to find what you need.  One of the best channels for inspiration is this one. She posts regularly and labels them well, so it is easy to find what you are looking for, on this channel.

Friends and family

I also find speaking to friends and family works for me. They know me well, so usually come up with suggestions that I like, and feel comfortable with. It is especially useful if they are going to the same party or event as me. They know who else is going and what the ambience is likely to be like, so normally provide good, targeted advice.

Where do you get your inspiration?


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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