London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Why Online Degrees Could Be the Answer If You’re Scared of Student Debt *

There is no doubt about it – student loans are becoming quite a terrifying prospect. With many adults now in debt they are unable to repay because their degrees haven’t helped them get the jobs they hoped for, a lot of people who would like to get a college education but don’t have the money behind them are put off the idea altogether because they don’t want to be trapped with a debt they may be repaying for decades. Equally, people who are in work but would like to further their education with a masters program tend to have to really weigh up the consequences if they need to take out loans to be able to afford to do the higher degree they want.

Of course, there are other options. You can consider community colleges rather than expensive private universities, and, as more and more people are now doing, you can do your degree online for a fraction of the cost.


Great Support

Some people are concerned that doing a degree online will mean less support from tutors, however many online students find that the opposite is true. When you take an online course, you have access via email to professional tutors – often the same ones who teach at the university you are studying with – and you can arrange online chats and other sessions with them to go over what you need. You may find it easier to make use of this one on one time than many students on campus do.

Qualifications with Value

It has been shown more and more that employers value not where a degree came from, but the knowledge it represents. This means that your online degree will be just as valuable when you are seeking work as a degree gained on campus, however how valuable that really depends on the subject you choose, so pick a degree in something that there is demand for and which has a good chance of leading to a lucrative career. Online business degrees can be a very good choice if you don’t know the field you want to work in yet as they are useful almost everywhere.

Save Even More

As well as costing less, doing an online degree keeps the cost of your lifestyle down while you are studying too, as you won’t have to relocate or travel, and can keep any jobs you currently have while studying on the side if you want to. By avoiding campus life, you can definitely save even more on top of the actual cost of tuition, study materials and exams, helping you even more in staying out of debt.

Online business administration degrees, psychology degrees, and degrees in all kinds of specialisms are available from all kinds of top universities, and with employers now recognizing their value as on par with qualifications studied for on campus, doing online business programs and other degrees could well be the way around the student debt issue.

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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