London Living with an Alternative Twist!

The Best Exercises to Stay Energized During Long-Haul Flights *

Jet lag is common among many who take long flights. Sitting on a flight for more than 9 or 10 hours can leave you especially exhausted. Different types of exercises will help you remain refreshed during, before and after your trip so you may want to consider these tips to help you get through your long haul flight!

Before the Flight

Working out

There are a wide range of exercises you can try before your flight that will keep you in good shape. Cardio exercises are some of the best in this case. Visit the nearest gym to keep yourself going. One is advised to engage in high-intensity activities during this period. You do not need to worry about getting exhausted because there are performance-enhancing drugs you can use to get the much-needed endurance and also heal quickly after your workout session. Steroids Evolution has some of the best products that will help improve your performance during your exercises.

Fly up front

This is another good idea to avoid suffering from jet lag. You will have a more comfortable flight in a first-class or business-class seat. Make sure you work hard to save enough to enjoy that kind of travel. You can also upgrade your ticket, depending on the available offers from your airline.

Proper rest

Getting proper rest before your flight will aid reducing your chances of being worn out. Make sure you get adequate sleep and also avoid engaging in difficult tasks that will require you to use a lot of energy. Doing this will ensure you are in good shape for your long-haul flight.

During the Flight

Leg exercises

There are simple leg exercises you can try during your flight. Do some little stretches while in your seat to avoid getting stiff and also keep your blood flowing. Raise your ankles several times and remember to stretch your arms.


Staying hydrated will assist in keeping you in good shape. Being dehydrated will only lead to more exhaustion. You should carry water or drink some on the flight. Avoid free alcohol being dished out on your trip because it will just dehydrate you.


Sleeping while on your flight will revitalize you after the long journey. It is important that you get enough rest. Those who book business-class or first-class flights get the chance to sleep with the much-needed comfort of the advanced chairs, which can be adjusted.

After Your Flight


You should not stop exercising once you are done with your flight. Engage in some simple exercises that will help you recover even more from your jet lag. Yoga exercises are said to be the best post-flight exercises because of the simple stretches and relaxation techniques.


Showering is another way of washing away all that fatigue after a long trip. You get to open up your skin’s pores and eliminate all the sweat while showering. This will keep you feeling refreshed and energized.

Breathe in and out

Breathing in and out will also calm you after a long and tiresome flight. Doing so helps relieve stress, which is also essential in reducing fatigue. Why not give these tips a try after your next long-haul flight?

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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