London Living with an Alternative Twist!

How To Live Your Best Life *

*This is a collaborative post.

No matter who you are, you deserve to be able to live your best life. While this doesn’t necessarily mean you should quit your job to begin travelling around the world (though that would be fun), there are small steps you can take to start living your best life every single day! 

Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Learn to love who you are. When we are younger, we spend so much of our time trying to fit in with our peers. However, it’s important to remember that what others think of us does not matter in the slightest – and you shouldn’t have to change yourself to feel accepted. Hold your head high and embrace your true self – no matter who that may be. 

Start thinking seriously about your goals and the steps you need to take to achieve them. While you may already have specific aspirations in mind for your future, dreams won’t become a reality unless you put the work in. Write down a list of everything you want to achieve – and how you want to do it. 

Find ways to be more confident. For example, if you are insecure about how you look – learn to see your own beauty. Whether this means you begin to experiment with make-up or stop wearing it all together – figure out what you need to do in order to feel more comfortable. Furthermore, if you feel as though you would like to get plastic surgery abroad to feel more comfortable in your own skin – don’t be embarrassed. You deserve to feel great within yourself, and sometimes surgeries can help you achieve these goals. 

Remember that you should care about self-care. Don’t let yourself get so busy that your self-care routine gets abandoned – it is an integral part of your daily routine that you should hold on to. You should also be prepared to experiment with different methods of self-care to find out what works for you – whether that means you learn how to meditate or find a new hobby to participate in! 

Focus on spending time (even virtually) with those who matter. The people who can make you laugh after a bad day or that are always there to listen when you have a problem instead of those who make you feel uncomfortable or bad about yourself. Recognising (and removing) toxic people from your life can be tricky – but it is an essential step towards your happiness. Contrary to what you may have been told, you don’t need to spend time with people who make you feel miserable. 

Find the joy in the small things. Living your best life doesn’t necessarily mean achieving all of your goals right as well – especially as many take several years to obtain. Therefore, you should focus on being able to find the light in every situation. At the end of every day, write down three good things that have happened – or three things that have made you smile. It could be as simple as somebody opening a door for you or completing a project that you’ve worked really hard on – if it brought you joy, jot it down! 


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!