London Living with an Alternative Twist!

True Or False? Debunking Myths About The Sun *

*Collaborative post.

We owe a lot to the sun; without it, life would be very difficult, and might not even exist. In light (pardon the pun!) of the sun’s importance, we’re here to debunk some myths about the burning star. From the impact it has on your health to how it performs, this guide will reveal all.

It’s The Biggest Star – Ever!


You can fit over a million Earths inside the sun, confirming that it is incredibly, incredibly huge. But, believe it or not, the sun isn’t actually the biggest star in the universe. There are many stars bigger than the sun, including Sirius, Pollux, and Arcturus. These larger stars make the sun look like a grain of sand!

It Helps To Produce Vitamin D


Our bodies create vitamin D when exposed to direct sunlight. This is really important for our bodies, as vitamin D contributes to the functioning of the immune system and helps to maintain strong muscles (EFSA, 2010).

While it’s pretty clever of our bodies to absorb vitamin D via sunlight, it’s not always strong enough to get the job done. With this in mind, a lot of people choose to take vitamin D tablets, particularly during the darker months. Vitamin D supplementation helps individuals to safeguard their intake without worrying about sufficient sunlight exposure.

It’s Getting Hotter


The sun is hot – we all know that. But, what some people are surprised to learn is that the sun is getting hotter. Every billion years or so, it gets 10% hotter. This means that, at the rate it is heating up, life on Earth won’t exist in another billion years. This is because the surface of the Earth won’t be able to withstand the high temperatures, causing everything to melt and scorch. Eventually, the sun will completely engulf the Earth. Terrifying, right? Don’t worry – it won’t be happening in your lifetime!

It Always Rotates At The Same Speed


A lot of planets remain fairly stationary, but not the sun. The sun contains a whole lot of hydrogen gas, meaning it’ll forever rotate at different speeds. This is why the sun works so differently depending on where you are in the world! If near the equator, the sun takes about 25 days to rotate fully. Near the north and south poles, however, it takes up to 36 days.

It’s Very, Very Bright


Although a fairly obvious point, it still shocks many people to learn just how bright the sun actually is. Out of the 50 stars closest to Earth, the sun is the fourth brightest. However, it does get some assistance from the Earth’s atmosphere. The Earth’s atmosphere scatters the light from the sun, dispersing it around and making it look even brighter.

In Summary

The sun impacts both our bodies and our environment. While it holds a whole lot of power over life as we know it, there’s no denying that it’s an incredible star to learn about!

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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