London Living with an Alternative Twist!

5 Major Home Problems You Shouldn’t Overlook *

*Collaborative Post.

Undertaking major repairs in your home can be expensive and time-consuming. However, while some jobs that aren’t urgent can be left within reason, not all home repairs should be ignored, and you need to make sure you are pushing these to the top of your priority list before the problem becomes worse than it already is.

Damp and Dry Rot

In some cases, mould and mildew can be harmful to your health. Even if they’re merely hiding in your basement or attic, having them in your home is unacceptably unsanitary.

It is important not to wait until mould or mildew has taken over a large portion of your house before taking action. To have the growth removed before it begins to impact your health, you should consult with a specialist as soon as possible. Bringing people in from somewhere like this company offering mold testing in Boston, MA to test your mould is a great idea as they will know exactly what they are looking for and be able to suggest options for removing the mould so that the problem can be dealt with as soon as possible. 

Look for signs of dry rot which can include a damp and musty smell, brittle or cracked wood, grey strands in timbers or growths such as mushrooms. It would be best to resolve this to avoid adverse effects on your house and your health.

Water Leaks

Water leaks are a prevalent problem in many parts of homes. While many assume they may ignore it until they have the funds to correct it, they should not! A water leak can cause rotting, mould, structural collapse, and in difficult situations, foundation buckling. Water leaks can cause other difficulties throughout the home, increasing your costs. 

Flickering Lights

Have you ever observed how your lights flicker in certain situations? If you open the fridge or turn on the living room lighting and the lights flicker, it could indicate a greater issue. A dangerous situation can be causing you to have flickering lights. Hiring an electrician is costly, but protecting your home from a fire is necessary.

Damaged Roof

The roof of your home is the main protection from the elements. If you have sustained damage to your roof by missing slates or shingles, your home will be more susceptible to leaks and drafts through holes that are exposing your home to the weather or debris from the air.

Foundation Problems

While it is fairly uncommon for a few cracks to appear in the foundation over time, this does not imply that they are typical. Because your home’s foundation is its most crucial structural component, it is not recommended that you ignore any indicators of trouble. It will not only get worse over time as the cracks widen and spread, but it will also grow more expensive and less safe if you continue to ignore the problem.

Another indicator of structural issues is by noticing any changes in how your doors close. If your doors don’t seem to close, aside from normal weather and humidity changes, this can indicate the foundations may have moved, and there is serious damage occurring underneath your home.

Sloping floors in rooms where the floor was previously level can indicate joint problems. Potentially they have broken or rotted. Test them by spilling water on the floor and looking at how it moves or placing a marble on the floor. If they move toward one specific side as if running down a hill, your floors may have a slope in them that needs investigating.


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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