London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Unsettling Signs that you are Holding Yourself Back In Life *

*Collaborative Post.

If you feel as though you just aren’t getting anywhere in life, then you will know how frustrating this can be. You may feel as though nothing you do gets you to where you need to be and that you just don’t know how to move forward. If this sounds like you, then there are a few things that you can do to help yourself.

Take a look below to find out more.

You Avoid Numbers

It doesn’t matter whether you end up avoiding the numbers in your bank account, your ROI of your side gig or even your weight because if you avoid looking at numbers, then you will be holding yourself back in life. Sure, it’s scary sometimes and you may feel better about yourself if you avoid seeing the truth but if you do not face the facts soon, then this will really work against you. You need to make sure that you are doing whatever you can to face things head-on and you also need to make sure that you are taking control of your life more.

You Flake

Do you feel as though you cancel plans, for no reason at all, at the last minute? Maybe you feel as though you never follow through on the plans that you decide to make for yourself. This could be attending your dentist appointment, or it could even be your gym class. Either way, this is a clear sign that you do not have a lot of integrity. You may find that you end up degrading yourself and that it also degrades the trust that other people have in you. If you are not careful then you may find that this leads to low self-esteem, and this is the last thing that you need. Do what you say you are going to do, whenever you are going to do it. Your mental self-worth will be boosted when you do, and you may even find that you are able to feel much more confident.

You’re in a Bubble

If you are not pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, then you may be holding yourself back. Sticking around will not do you any favours. If you want to stretch and if you want to grow, then you have to make sure that you are living your dream. You have to make sure that you are brave, and you also need to be prepared to get uncomfortable. The good news is that the more you venture out of your comfort zone, the more comfortable it will become. It won’t be hard forever, and your confidence will soon be boosted. If you want to help yourself, why not try and master dating, public speaking or even learning an instrument?

You Just Assume the Worst

If you expect the worst, then you will probably end up finding the worst. You may find that you end up putting a negative filter on everything that is happening to you and this can really affect you overall. If you want to stop this, then you need to try and see the positives in certain situations. You need to make sure that you are always trying to think about the good things, and you also need to stop yourself from talking so negatively all the time. If you can do this, then you’ll soon find that you end up improving.

You’re Great at Procrastination

If you put things off for another day, then you will absolutely be making your life harder for your future self. If you want to do something about that then you need to try and avoid procrastinating. Pack your lunch the night before and also make sure that you do your coursework now before the weekend comes around. If you can do things now, rather than tomorrow or next week, then your future self will thank you and you will easily be able to get more done. This will boost your confidence and it will help you to feel better about yourself too.

You Never Say No

People-pleasing can be alluring, and it can also be pleasuring too. Most people are conditioned to try and please others, but if you put aside your goals to help others then this will not be helping you at all. You may find that you just don’t have the time or the energy to chase your own goals and dreams and this is the last thing that you need.

You Talk Badly to Yourself

If you are constantly talking bad to yourself or if you tell yourself that you are stupid on a day to day basis then you will absolutely be holding yourself back. You won’t be achieving your true potential and you may also find it hard to get motivated. If you want to do something about this, then you need to try and make sure that you are doing whatever you can to try and talk to yourself positively. You need to try and stop focusing on negative talk and you also need to try and lighten up a little. If you don’t like your appearance and want to change, then hit the gym. If you have scars, explore a hair transplantation surgery scar solution.

You Don’t Take Onboard a New Year’s Resolution

If you do not set a New Year’s Resolution or if you are not pushing yourself when it comes to something new, then you won’t be going anywhere. You will be stagnating, and you will be holding yourself back. You have to make sure that you have a direction in life, and you also need to make sure that you break things down into bite-size chunks.

You No Longer Dream

When you were a kid, you may have dreamt about all of the things that you could be when you got older. You may have wanted to become a marine biologist or a famous singer. Either way, your dreams might not be as big now, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still have them. Start thinking about where you want to be and then take steps to make it happen.




I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!