London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Why Perfume is the Perfect Gift and How to Choose the Right One *

*Collaborative post.

Finding the right present for a loved one is of utmost importance to many of us. Regardless of the event you are celebrating; you want to shower your friends and family with love. For the most part, it is easy to find a gift for them; you know them very well, after all.

At the same time, it can be hard to know what to get someone who appears to have everything they need. While it can be challenging, there are plenty of ideas and recommendations out there, and that is where we come into the equation. 

One such gift idea is that of perfume. With various shapes, sizes, and scents on the market, it can be tricky to narrow the options down to just one or two. Contemplating getting that special someone a bottle of perfume for their birthday, but a bit unsure how to go about doing so? Read on for some inspiration. 

In a Nutshell

Perfumes and colognes can make an ideal gift for the special person in your life. A simple yet effective gesture, perfumes always go down a treat. For the most part, perfumes are an excellent way of getting the recipient to think of you when using their gift. 

Memories and smells are said to be closely linked, more than any other sense. Specific memories and smells could unearth a particular emotion or feeling, but one that is memorable all the same. Naturally, when gifting a present to a loved one, you want to knock them off their feet. 

Choosing a perfume that will make them think of you is one way of doing just that. However, you might find yourself asking how to know whether you are choosing the right perfume. While this can be a tricky path to navigate, there are methods from which you can select the right fragrance. This takes us to the next section. 

Tips for Choosing the Right Perfume

Scents and Smells

Naturally, the first thing you want to consider when finding the right perfume for a loved one is the types of scents they like. From floral aromas to those hardier, you want to ensure you select a fragrance that fits the recipient’s unique individuality. Establish the scents that they prefer, and from here, you can explore the wide variety on the market. 

Once you have narrowed down the options to a particular scent, nothing stands in your way from browsing the market and finding the right perfume. Ideally, if your loved one has a favourite brand of perfume, you should make an effort to get something from the same brand or one that is similar.

At the same time, you could even take a peek in their bathroom cabinets to find their favourite perfume. This gives you a head start in your search and gives you a better idea of their preferences. 

Cost of Perfume

On the other hand, you might find yourself unable to buy these perfumes due to sticking to a budget or poor availability. Following recent supply chain issues across the country, this might be something you are feeling consciously aware of. 

While cost is not everything, you might have a loved one who has a particular taste. That being said, there are options out there for getting designer perfumes without breaking the bank. 

Use available resources to assess the prices of designer perfumes while also giving yourself a better idea of the price of said perfumes. Comparative websites and forums enable you to explore women’s and men’s fragrance options based on their scents and other factors like cost. Consulting sites like these takes the pressure and work off you when finding the right perfume. To find out more about your available perfume options and the costs associated, head to

Character and Personality

It might appear confusing why you would be contemplating the personality of the recipient when choosing a perfume but hear us out. If you have a loved one who is bold and outgoing in their personality, gifting them an understated and subtle scent might not complement their personality all that well.

Compare the personality of the recipient with the perfume when browsing the vast selections that are available. Imagine the person wearing this scent and whether it would work. If you find yourself at a loose end, consult the help of another friend or family member to gauge a second opinion. 

What’s more, you could even request a sample size of the perfume in question to get a better idea of whether it would suit them or not. Playing coy and being subtle by asking them about the scent is also one other way to establish whether the scent will suit your loved one or not. 

While these were some methods for finding the right perfume for your loved one, we feel confident your efforts will pay off. Remember that it is the thought that counts, so do not feel disheartened if things do not go to plan! 


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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