London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Going Green: The Home Edition *

*Collaborative Post.

If you’re eager to adopt a greener lifestyle, your home is the perfect place to start. You spend a lot of time here while it is also one of the main sources of your current carbon footprint. Therefore, upgrades that improve the environment, as well as your comfort and financial health, should be the priority at all times.

A range of home improvements can be made to promote an eco-friendly lifestyle starting with your property. Here’s all you need to know.

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Focus on your habits 

Before checking that you have the right facilities in place, you must first build a winning mindset. A vegan lifestyle is one particularly good way to reduce your carbon footprint. It combines direct impacts in the home and indirect impacts out of it. As well as avoiding animal products, you can align yourself with winning brands. They should avoid the use of excess packaging and focus on using the best materials and practices. It only takes a few weeks to embrace new ideas, don’t be afraid to do it in style. 

Be efficient with energy

We now use more facilities and appliances than ever before. Upgrading to water-saving toilets and dishwashers, for example, will aid the cause. Moreover, switching to LED lights and energy-efficient boilers will save money and energy over time. Of course, it does require an initial outlay. Once this has been done, though, you will start to see the rewards right away. The fact that the results continue for life while also adding value to the home should not be underestimated. You use a lot of energy every day, reducing this rate is key.

Stop wasting natural resources

For anyone hoping to reach a carbon-neutral outcome, utilizing natural resources is key. Poly tanks allow users to store rainwater, which can then be used for gardening and other tasks later on. It can also prevent oversaturation of the ground during the downpour. As well as the rainwater, you can embrace the power of the sun by using solar panels. If you store more energy than is needed by your home, the energy can be transferred back to the power grid. This is another huge step towards success.

Add better home insulation

Unnecessary heat loss is one of the most significant sources of waste. The heating systems must work even harder to maintain the right temperature if heat is easily lost. Adding attic insulation, double glazing, and other insulating properties will aid the cause. As well as reducing heat leaving the home, you should consider the efficiency inside the home. Keeping radiator pipes and water tanks insulated, for example, will prevent unnecessary loss. On a side note, choosing an instant boiling water tap over a kettle can work wonders.

Utilise the garden

The garden spaces are your greatest ally in the bid for a greener home life. For starters, you can grow fruit and veg to inspire a better lifestyle. Simply spending more time outside can have a positive impact on your mindset. Likewise, you will not be heating or cooling the internal parts of the home either. For the best results, you should place a focus on using natural materials like timber. Upcycling is another process that helps you make better use of existing resources, which means you no longer have to use new items. Perfect.

Going green at home will also form a platform to build upon in other parts of your life. You’ve got this.


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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