London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Being Your Best Self This Holiday Season: 5 Unmissable Lifestyle Tips *

*Collaborative Post.

The holiday season is around the corner, and we are all looking forward to spending time with our loved ones. However, during this period of the year, it is easy to feel not so energized and low on energy. In this case, consider the tips below to feel and look at your best throughout the holiday season. 

Don’t Go on a Diet – Just Practice Mindful Eating

With the holiday season, we all start to feel that we need to be on a preventive diet to prepare for the months of indulgence ahead. However, comfort and seasonal foods are part of what makes this season magical, and you should not feel regret or blame for enjoying something so delicious! And, you certainly don’t need to punish yourself with an overly restrictive diet because of it!

At the same time, keeping yourself healthy is still extremely important during the holiday season. And, mindful eating can truly help you feel at your best. Mindful eating is the practice of being present and aware of your food. So, you will naturally be more prone to opt for natural choices, foods that make you feel good and taste delicious. Start practising mindful eating today!

Limit Alcohol Consumption by Choosing Alcohol-Free Alternatives

The social and cultural aspects of drinking are something that cannot be ignored – especially during important celebrations such as New Year’s Eve and Christmas. Nonetheless, alcohol-related and alcohol-specific deaths in the Uk are always on the rise, and they have been skyrocketing during the Covid-19 months. So, as the holiday season approaches, you might consider swapping at least a few of your gin and tonics for non-alcoholic alternatives!

Treat Yourself – Self-Care Goes a Long Way!

The months ahead are for self-care. If you wish to look and feel at your best, make sure you do all you can to look after your body and mind. This means that even if you don’t feel like it, exercising, learning, eating healthily, getting plenty of sleep, and maintaining a healthy routine is still what will make you feel good. 

Reduce Your Cigarette Consumption

For many, quitting smoking is a popular new year’s resolution. However, today, there are so many more options than just trying to go cold turkey without any help or support. For example, vaping has become a healthier alternative to guide you in your journey towards quitting smoking. If you still have doubts, keep in mind that e-liquid flavours and vape mods can help you customise your e-cigarette for a much more enjoyable experience. 

Keep the Planet in Mind When Shopping

As the holiday season approaches, we all start to feel the pressure of finding the right presents for all of our loved ones. And, undoubtedly, showing you unconditional love to them is extremely important – especially after so many months of travel restrictions and lockdowns. 

However, in all this, we cannot forget that the climate crisis is worsening, and our actions impact the planet. When choosing gifts for your loved ones, consider upcycled, handcrafted, sustainable, local, or vintage objects – or, just opt to spend an afternoon together doing something fun!

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!