London Living with an Alternative Twist!

The Ultimate Checklist for Moving *

*Collaborative post.

Packing your things and moving to a new home can be a bit challenging. First, you have to leave the home that you are comfortable in, your friendly neighbours, and everything else you have become accustomed to in your environment. Let’s not leave out the different decisions you have to make to ensure that your items get moved and you settle into your hew place properly.

To make the decision-making process easier, here are some things you need to know.

Setting Up

Before the movers arrive with your things, it is advisable to go and check the place out yourself. For instance, moving the Skip Hire pile that you have created in the driveway will ensure that the moving company has enough room to park and manoeuvre your goods. Furthermore, take your time to walk around the house and decide where various items will go when they arrive. By arriving first, you can easily get the house cleaned up by doing it yourself or hiring some professional cleaners to get the job done. The last thing you want is to start unpacking in a messy environment and have to go through the stress of worrying about what to do first.

Moving Your Furniture and Valuables

Some people take matters into their own hands and move their valuables themselves while others take advantage of moving companies. If you don’t have a lot of stuff, have items that can easily be carried in your car, or moved with the help of friends, then go ahead. However, where you have a ton of things to move, it is better to hire a professional moving company to remove the burden of transporting from you. 

You can talk to the movers about how to handle your things and where each item should be placed when it is brought to your new place. You can take delicate items that are easy to carry with you if you worry that they would get damaged. Moving companies can often provide you with free online moving quotes to give you an idea of how much the service will cost. 

Make sure you have a list of the items given to the moving company so that your properties can be accounted for when they arrive. 

Making the Final Adjustments

Make the change more permanent by changing all relevant information to reflect your new address. You can change your postal address so that your mails come directly to you and update your bank accounts to reflect your new address. Cancel subscriptions that you can no longer use due to the change and make new subscriptions that will be useful in your new environment.

To make your environment safe, you can change the locks on the doors and update your home security settings. You can install CCTV cameras on the front porch or any other security measure that makes you feel safe. 

Make your New Place a Home

Once you have unpacked and settled into your home, get to know your new neighbours. Let them into your home and visit theirs when you can. Go to most of the programs you have been invited for or organize a little house-warming to bring different people together.

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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