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Why Do You Need an Extension Architect for Your Project? *

*Collaborative Post.

Anytime you want to start an extension project, whether it is for home, commercial, or construction purposes, it is vital to have an extension architect. They play an essential role in helping you build any extension because they show you how to do it affordably and efficiently in terms of space.

According to statistics, those who start do-it-yourself or DIY extension projects put themselves in danger of breaking the local building code or making inappropriate use of space, amongst other issues. Employing an extension architect avoids all of these issues because they are experts in the field and are well versed in the dos and don’ts of extensions.

However, many individuals go to the Humphreysandsons website to find out more information and advice concerning extension architects. This article will give you relevant information concerning extension architects. Let’s start!

What Is an Extension Architect?

Extension architects are licensed professionals who are responsible for project planning and designing the visual appearance of extension structures. They are a subset of building engineers who collaborate with one another to construct additions that adhere to building codes and best meet the needs of their clients.

Functions of an Extension Architect

The main duties of an extension architect are to design extensions that make the most of ventilation and natural sunlight.

Let’s look at them in detail.

Project discussion

The client who wants to build an extension will first meet with an architect to go over their specific needs. The amount of available space, regional planning laws, the client’s budget, and the type of extension are only a few of the topics covered. Drawings and documentation, the penultimate task of an extension architect, are the result of this dialogue.

It should be emphasised that before adopting any designs submitted by the architect, a detailed discussion of the extension project must first take place.


A further role of an extension architect is to test the viability of extensions and to create a visual framework for extensions. These drawings can be created using CAD, BIM, or by hand. Modern software such as BIM and CAD is used by architects to create a visual architectural framework that the building engineers will utilize and follow. The final drawing for the extension client is what is used by the site engineers and other engaged building professionals, despite the fact that there may be different revisions previously.

Estimated extension costs and duration

Along with the drawing, the extension architect also includes a contract proposal. The project’s length and estimated cost are included in this contract proposal. An extension architect’s responsibility is to provide an estimated cost for the extension project. However, the engineers work on this in tandem. The extension architect also makes an estimate of how long it will take to complete the project. Basically, the purpose of this is to provide the client with an idea of the cost and expected completion date of the project.


The extension architect will continue to regularly check on the development and ensure that the plans and documentation they submitted are being followed exactly.

Extension architects will never lose their importance. They give you the information you need about the extension project and monitor the engineers’ work until it is finished to ensure that they do not execute anything inappropriate.



I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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