London Living with an Alternative Twist!

5 Things Not To Miss On Your Trans-Siberian Holiday *

You can go to see a lot of things on board the Trans-Siberian train. It’s a days-long trip of sight-seeing and socializing with fellow travellers who are most likely from other countries. But how do you ensure you don’t miss anything and make sure
you’ve gotten the most out of your trip? What scenic spots should you not miss? You need to have a list of things to see when you are going all the way across Russia.

Here’s a short list of the places you should never miss.

The Pacific
The unforgettable Trans Siberian railway trip on holidays you take will be fun because it will take you from the Pacific all the way to what is effectively Eastern Europe. You can make a lot of choices that will help you, and you need to be sure
that you have taken some good pictures of the ocean before you leave it and start to travel.

The Taiga
You need to get out and have a look at some of the taiga ice shelves that are a big part of this region. There is so much of Siberia that no one lives in because it is too hard to live there. However, this location is too pretty not to take pictures of. There are mountains and hills in this region covered in ice and snow that you need to have a look at.

The Cities
Be sure that you stop and look at all the cities that will be on your way. Each of these cities have different ethnic groups in them. Knowing you have left a city and have entered into a new one is easy as each of these cities look and even sound different. When you can, don’t miss out on experiencing these cities.

The Mountains
These mountain villages are a sight to behold, and they will give you a new side of the world. You will want to get into these mountain villages. You will want to hike and have some adventures in these cold and very rural places before leaving. To see all the little ethnic villages, you will have to come into the mountains and hike.

St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, Russia’s second largest city after Moscow and was the imperial capital for two centuries, was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. In this city, you will find the winter palace, and a lovely river that comes right through the middle of the city. This is the most northerly big city in the world, and it is a place that is very chic and cosmopolitan. It is a good place for you to end your journey. You will surely enjoy exploring the city.

A wonderful trip that allows you to explore Russia is made possible by the Trans-Siberian railway. Its train brings you all the way across Russia from the Pacific to a place in the north while you take in the view you are able to pass by. It’s one way of
seeing all of Russia and getting to know the people who live there, especially the many ethnic groups that are spread across this landscape.

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!