London Living with an Alternative Twist!


I think I have found my newest way to spend an evening in… blinkbox!


Blinkbox are a UK run online streaming website for all the films and TV shows you can dream of.  I watched a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory and the hilarious film Identity Thief as the lovely people behind Blinkbox gave me some codes to test out their service.

With the service being so easy to use, both on Mac and my partner in crimes PlayStation 3, I promptly signed up and have since purchased more TV shows to watch!

Before being approached to use the service I was a super huge fan of LoveFilm, but I think I have been swayed over to the world of blinkbox.  With LoveFilm there’s the wait of the DVD turning up and more often than not it won’t work on the family TV, but with blinkbox we streamed in seconds to the TV and could decide there and then what we watched.  We didn’t just have to watch what had been sent out to us!

We are off on our two week road trip tomorrow and the MacBook has been packed to watch films and TV shows on blinkbox of an evening should we find ourselves in the need of a film fix!


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!