London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Are You Prepared for Dog Ownership?

Owning a canine companion is no easy feat. It takes financial investment, a lot of time, patience and even sacrifices. To help you out, we’ve put together a couple of questions to ask yourself in order to check if you’re truly ready to own a dog.

Have you done enough research?

Whether it’s on breeds, types of food or even illnesses that a dog can get, make sure you’ve done your research.

Are you prepared for the guilt?

Leaving your dog at home or alone with a dog sitter when you’re on holiday can feel absolutely horrible, so make sure you’re prepared for the guilt of occasionally leaving them.

Is your financial situation stable?

Dogs aren’t cheap to take care of. Between all of the food costs, toys and veterinarian fees, it can be rather pricey to look after a dog.

Does your family agree with it?

Having a dog is like having another family member, so make sure your entire family agrees with the decision before you adopt one.

Do you really have the time?

You’re going to need to dedicate some serious time to your dog. This includes sacrificing your own private time or time with friends and family to ensure your dog is cared for.

Have you connected with a vet?

Every dog needs a trained veterinarian that they can get comfortable with, so make sure you’ve connected or at least found a local veterinarian.

Do you realize how fast they grow?

Puppies don’t stay puppies forever; just take a look at the infographic below to see just how quickly your dog will grow up.

Infographic by Petbarn

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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