London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Finding a Home That Ticks Your Boxes *

*Collaborative Post.

Home is where the heart is. So, it’s not all too surprising that you’re going to want to make sure your home fits your needs and preferences as best possible. Over the past couple of years, the vast majority of us have spent more and more time in our homes. We’ve had time to consider whether they’re right for us and many of us have settled on the answer of no. We’re seeking new places to live. Maybe you’ve switched to a permanent remote working contract and need a home office. You might have found a new job that is further away and you might want to reduce your commuting time. You might have simply grown sick of the house you’re in.

Whatever the reason for wanting to move, there are a few tips and tricks that should help you to find somewhere new that ticks all of your boxes the first time around. Here are some to consider.


First, you’re going to have to consider your budget. A house can be perfect for you, but if it’s out of budget, you’re wasting your time viewing it. To come up with your budget, determine your take home pay (this is how much you take home after tax and other essential deductions). Next, you need to determine how much disposable income you want each month, as well as things such as how much you have going out for food shopping, fuel, contracted payments and more. The figure you’re left with is how much you have to play with for your home and living costs. You need to make sure that everything balances out. Consider that actually moving costs money too, so factor things like moving boxes, interstate removals and other relevant costs.


Next, where do you want to live? There are so many different factors that can impact this decision. Do you want to live close to family and friends? Do you want to live close to your workplace? Do you want to live in a bustling city? Do you want to live in the countryside? Do you want to live by the sea? Somewhere quiet? Somewhere busy? Somewhere with good schools? Somewhere with specific clubs and social groups? Only you can determine which location suits you.


How big do you need your home to be? Do you need a specific number of rooms? Do you need a certain number of bathrooms? Are you looking for something spacious or smaller and cosier?


Always view a property before deciding to live in it. Sure, there are online listings with pictures and even virtual video viewings nowadays. But you need to actually go to a home to get a feel for it. Online viewings can cover up flaws, such as road noise, noisy neighbours, parts of the property you wouldn’t want to highlight and more. Always make sure to view before putting in an offer.

These are just a few suggestions, but hopefully, they’ll make all the difference when it comes to finding the right house for you.

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!