London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Finding the Perfect Road-Tripper’s Car *


Road trips are among the most exciting types of holiday you can take. While package deals allow you to leave the planning and the technicalities in the hands of an expert, they tend to charge well for the privilege, and any deviation from the beaten track can be problematic. When you take to the road of your own volition and aim for somewhere that you’ve always wanted to go, you get to choose the itinerary, the soundtrack and how you get there – although the last point does raise some questions.

Buying a new car just for a road trip may be excessive, but with so many of us changing our cars every few years, road-trip worthiness can be a consideration when you head over to Edmunds to size up your next drive. And when you’re doing that, it’s a good idea to consider the following points.


A roomy cockpit may not be the first thing on your mind when you’re driving back and forth to work or getting the week’s shopping. But if you are a frequent traveller, the room offered by your new car should be a consideration. Long drives that are measured in hours rather than minutes will take a lot out of you, and it’s all the more so if you’re cramped while you drive. In addition, it is broadly recommended that you stop for a nap if you get fatigued en route. A car that lets you stretch out a bit and get comfortable is always going to be a benefit in that case.

Miles per gallon

It’s annoying to stop for fuel when you’re driving close to home, but at least you know where you’re stopping. When the terrain is less familiar, there are many reasons why you would prefer not to have to stop so often. You won’t always know when the next stopping point will come, so it’s beneficial to have a car that can go for longer on a full tank. This can be even more so when you’re driving an electric vehicle. Some places have better coverage than others when it comes to recharging points, so it’s best to pick an electric car with greater range.


Modern cars are in many ways practically unrecognisable compared to what you might have driven even ten years ago, with the central console now resembling a multimedia centre. And it may well be a good idea to look for as many add-ons as possible, especially if you will be driving abroad. A built-in sat nav, for example, will make it immeasurably easier to navigate your way around new terrain. The more advanced the sat-nav, the better. If your car can tell you how far it is to the next refuelling point while you explore the South of France, your trip will be easier. And if you can charge your phone and stream a decent driving playlist as you go, so much the better.

Road trips are a lot of fun if you like to really see the places you’re visiting, and it has to be said – if you can get the ideal car for your journeys it will make everything a lot more simple and fun.

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!