London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Transforming The Home’s Exterior To Set A Great Vibe & Improve Your Life *


A happy home life is something that everyone deserves. However, many homeowners fall into the trap of only focusing on what’s inside their properties. In reality, though, the elements outside the house are equally crucial. Aside from setting the first impressions, upgrades can  help you save money and add a whole new dimension to the home. 

To unlock the desired results, though, you must invest in the right strategy.  Focus on the five points below for optimal success.

Setting the right vibe with revamped walls

Your feelings towards the property come flooding back in as soon as it enters your view. Moreover, you already know from interior decorating that a new colour scheme changes everything. Professional painters can transform the look of your exterior walls. As well as using new colours to your advantage, the fresh coats leave the property looking brand new.

It is also a particularly good way to make your home stand out from the crowd when the adjacent properties are currently the same colour as yours.

Save money and the environment with eco-friendly features

If your goal is to adopt a greener lifestyle while also saving money, exterior upgrades are the answer. Improved roofing and window structures will naturally aid insulation. You can also look at the prospect of roof solar panels for further benefits while also creating a more commanding aesthetic. Making the right choice for the planet is satisfying too.

You may take this to the next level by using sustainably sourced materials in your garden design. Or by growing produce and harvesting rainwater.

Embrace the garden

A beautiful and functional garden will bring many benefits to your life, not least because you’ll naturally spend more time outside. The right plants and hard landscaping features will go a long way to upgrading your garden spaces. Meanwhile, you could add a deck or patio area or connect outside spaces to the building with sliding doors.

Either way, the chance to do more with your garden will make a huge difference to your daily life. It can also help families spend more time together. 

Make your front entrance more welcoming

Approaching the property can fill you with inner warmth if you have the right features in place. Therefore, it is always worth updating the front garden and the home’s entrance. A new door can change everything. Or you could use mailboxes and house nameplates to set a winning first impression. It influences your opinions as well as those of all visitors.

Resurfaced driveways are another immensely popular option. It’s practical and improves the look of the home while also adding value. Perfect.

Remove fear with improved security features

Finally, your love of the property will be compromised if you feel vulnerable to outside dangers. Therefore, upgrading the security features of your home should be a priority. Alarm systems and surveillance cameras are ideal additions. In addition to deterring potential burglars, they offer peace of mind. Cameras record evidence for the worst case scenario too. 

When added to the other features mentioned above, your home will set a better impression from the outside. Frankly, it is the least that you deserve.


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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