London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Ladies who Lunch at The Black Horse, Brentwood

I was very kindly invited to lunch at The Black Horse in return for a review.  However, as always, all opinions are entirely my own. I love being able to pop out for lunch with my mum during the week, it’s one of the perks of being freelance. I love it, even more, when we get to experience new places that are less than 15 minutes…

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What would I Want to See on a Trip to Alaska?

Visiting Alaska is so high on my to-do list. Whenever I see photos of it, I long to be there. It just looks so different to anywhere I’ve been before and I love a good trip filled with nature. I’ve been dropping hints that I turn 30 this year and it’d be a great gift, which I know is a little over the top, but…

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Mums can feel Glam too; 6 ways to Feel Good in your Own Skin!

Believe it or not, being “glamourous” doesn’t always mean high heels, hair extensions and a face full of makeup. It’s more about finding ways to accentuate what you already have and ways to help you feel good in your own skin and confident! When I’ve had friends that became mothers, they often said they felt like they’d lost a little of my own identity. They…

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Are You Prepared for Dog Ownership?

Owning a canine companion is no easy feat. It takes financial investment, a lot of time, patience and even sacrifices. To help you out, we’ve put together a couple of questions to ask yourself in order to check if you’re truly ready to own a dog. Have you done enough research? Whether it’s on breeds, types of food or even illnesses that a dog can…

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The Best Places in Europe for a Summer Proposal

With the weather getting warmer and the days growing longer, many people are getting ready to head off on a summer break. But did you know that according to a study by diamond ring retailer Angelic Diamonds, just over half of respondents listed ‘on holiday’ as their ideal proposal location? So, if you’re planning on spending some quality time away this year, which location would…

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Sustainable Chef’s Table Dining with Eleven98, Hackney

I was very kindly invited to Eleven98 in return for a review through Love Pop Ups London.  However, as always, all opinions are entirely my own. We all know I’m dead passionate about where I live, and I love meeting others that are just as passionate as where they are from too. But would you believe it, I’ve found someone that is actually more passionate…

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How Lingerie has Transformed over the Years with #DecadesOfLingerie

Lingerie is one of those things that you just think has always been around, but it hasn’t been! I mean, unless you count women wearing a shift under their clothes like underwear, then it wasn’t until the 19th Century that women started wearing actual knickers. Oddly enough, in the 16th-century women wore corsets made with whalebone which shocked me that these were a thing before…

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How to Transform your Traditional Flat into a Contemporary Home

If your property is an older build, then you may not have the benefits that many modern apartments have, such as open-plan spaces or up to date furnishings. However, just because the foundations of your flat are more traditional, does not mean modern furnishings would not work well. In fact, many properties now feature a fusion of both classic and contemporary styles that help them…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!