London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Best Places to take your Date in London [AD]

Have you made yourself a New Year resolution to find the love of your life? Believe it or not, January is one of the most popular months for dating sites both in the UK and dating sites in USA as so many people do often set themselves that mission. So if you are one of those, then why not take a little look at my list for…

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Four of the Best Things to do in New Orleans

I’m gonna be honest here, I have really mixed feelings about New Orleans; I loved the day time so much, but the evening was a bit hit and miss for me at times. By the time we had finished our walking tour at around 4pm, it was carnage on the streets. It felt like all the underage drunk kids had been drinking out in the…

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Seven of the Best Things to do in Nashville

I can’t believe it’s been well over a year since we had the most amazing trip with Trek America from New York all the way down to New Orleans and finishing in Miami. I’ve only managed to write a few posts on our trip but I have so many I’ve been planning to write so I’ve kicked it off with my favourite things that we…

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Experience India’s Great Foodie Rail Journey at Patri, Northfields

When it comes to Indian food, I bloody love it. Seriously, any type of curry house and I’m there with bells on. But there’s one type of Indian cooking that is always top of my list and that’s Indian street food. I’m not talking about westernised kormas, masalas or vindaloos, I’m talking about proper food right from the heart of India. Someone that really knows…

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How to Build a Good Credit Score when you’re not Paying Rent *

As we all know, as I don’t shut up about it, we are hoping to buy a house together sometime soon and in order to get a mortgage, I’m going to have to make sure I’ve got a credit score. Much to my surprise I never realised how tough it was to get a mortgage approved when you haven’t proven you’re able to pay off…

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How to Earn £1,500 a Month from Home!

First I think I better start with an introduction; my name is Jon and I run a number of websites including TotallyBlogging, Compare The Matched Betting and, of course, The Money Shed which is the UK’s largest community website dedicated to earning money online. The site has been around for over 5 years and with a UK community of over 7200+ UK users and over 138,000 posts there’s…

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Eleven Things to do when Visiting Bath

Bath is quite literally filled to the brim with things to do. I actually wish our stay there was for a few more nights as there was so much more we could have done! I’ve decided to share the list of things I wanted to do before we headed there; some we got to do, others will have to be saved for another time as…

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Tips for Driving in Hot Weather *

Drivers are always urged to observe safety while on the roads. This is because road accidents have claimed many innocent lives. Many road accident cases have been as a result of carelessness by drivers and other road users. Drivers who ignore traffic rules put the lives of other road users at risk. Overlapping or overtaking dangerously can result in road accidents. It is exactly the…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!