London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

London Marathon Training Update 1.

So it’s been a week since I got the news of getting my place for the London Marathon and I’ve been to the gym 4 times. I’m really proud of this! I’ve conquered running 3 miles, I may look like a drowned rat afterwards but at least I’m making progress. To spur me on I’ve made a wishlist of items I’d like from Nike which…

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London Marathon 2015

This year I went with a group of friends to watch the London Marathon, we sat out on the grass with our drinks and supported those crazy enough to run those famous 26.2 miles. It was here I decided that I wanted to be part of the 2015 run, and I wanted to run for Anthony Nolan. The next day as soon as I got…

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Kerri’s Guest Post!

Hi there readers of SquibbVicious! I’m Kerri and I’m so excited to be guest posting for Haydn whilst she’s away for the weekend!  Let’s start with a small introduction. As I said, I’m Kerri and I blog over here! I’m currently a British expat studying for my PhD in Belgium and have been for the last two years. I live here with my boyfriend, Kris who…

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ELMS 4 Hours of Silverstone with Ferrari.

I couldn’t believe my luck when I got invited down to Silverstone on Saturday with Ferrari! My tummy was filled with excitement and the mini bus journey there seemed to take forever! Being part of the Europe Le Mans Series there was so much going on but I was seriously absorbed in the race so I missed out on all of the fun day bits!…

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#ThrowbackThursday with New Look!

We all have that go to dress that we wear day in day out, that makes us feel comfy when we’re bloated and that is just our favourite! When New Look asked me what mine was I knew instantly.. One of the Primark Tartan Dresses that everyone went crazy for! Here’s my #throwbakthursday picture to November last year! I have three of them in different…

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I was approached by the team from popchips to do a little review and of course I said yes! I LOVE the BBQ ones and saw this as a great chance to try the other flavours! There were 5 different flavours in the box, BBQ, Salt & Pepper, Original, Sea Salt & Vinegar, and Sour Cream & Onion. I have to say the BBQ are…

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City Academy’s Night Time Photography Course.

You may remember that the lovely team from City Academy invited me over to try some of their courses that I jumped at the chance of taking up!  I had the Street Photography class last month. I LOVE doing photography and am totally self taught so I thought it’d be great to learn from others and pick up some new skills! City Academy are a London based creative…

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Millennium Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea

Mother’s Day is one day of the year I really look forward to, I get to spend the day with Mumma Squibb doing lush things and there’s no better way to spend it than having afternoon tea! We were invited to the Millennium Hotel in Mayfair for a fantastic event that both Mumma and I thoroughly enjoyed! Upon arrival we were greeted with a glass…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!