London Living with an Alternative Twist!

What Do I Read on Holiday? *

I love books, I always have and I’m sure it’s something I will continue to love. And when I say books, I mean the real things; not a kindle, not an audio book (although I am warming to these a little), a real book made from paper that smells so good when you first flip through the crisp, new pages. I read a variety of books and have shelves full of them at the flat and still a ton of them at my parents still.

I was asked recently by Holiday Gems to recommend a few books that I like to read when on holiday. For me the kind of books I read on holiday doesn’t change, I read the same as I would on the train to work or in bed when I can’t sleep. I guess I have quite a dark taste in books as I’m a lover of a good murder mystery, true crime and anything a little odd, so don’t expect my recommendations to be light and fluffy!

I guess I have quite a dark taste in books as I’m a lover of a good murder mystery, true crime and anything a little odd, so don’t expect my recommendations to be light and fluffy with a happy ending!

First up is a series of books that I got through so quickly once I started as they were so gripping. The Lacey Flint Series by Sharon Bolton got me from the first chapter all the way to the end of the fourth book. Lacey Flint is a detective based in London that gets given some of the craziest yet gripping crimes imaginable. I was first drawn in by the Jack the Ripper style copy cat killer in the first book as I’m really into reading about Jack the Ripper!

Second on my list isn’t quite so dark, it’s a little more helpful to your everyday life. It’s Ruby Wax’s ‘A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled’. I often get myself very stressed out and worry a lot over nothing so this was a great purchase that I read whilst soaking up the sun in Marbella last year. Ruby Wax helps you de-stress, think through in a more sensible manner that won’t send you into a frenzy and teaches you how to switch off and chill out a little more. We all need a little of that once in a while.

My last choice is A Dark So Deadly by Stuart McBride. It’s all about a group of unwanted police officers nicknamed ‘The Misfit Mob’ who get caught up in a case with an ancient mummy that’s a little out of their league. They don’t get any help from those above them and they muddle through in the crazy way they do. It’s a fairly long read but it’s filled with twists and turns that keep you intrigued.

Maybe I need to order a few light and fluffy books, book a last minute holiday and get over all of these dark reads I indulge in on a daily basis.

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!