So here goes my first ever tag! I thought it’s be a nice way to get me feeling all Christmassy!
Our real Christmas tree from 2011! They smell so good!
Which do you prefer: a real Christmas tree or a synthetic one?
A real one, hands down! This year and last year we had a synthetic one due to those pesky little puppies. We didn’t want to tempt them to be naughty with having a real tree in the house. They ignore the fake one!
You’re in a coffee shop, it’s December: what do you pick?
I’m not a big coffee shop goer but if I do it’s Costa, and I love their Salted Caramel Latte, decaf of course.
Our tree this year!
Which colour-scheme is your favourite for decorating the tree?
I like very traditional reds, silvers and golds. Mum always does such a good job of our tree!
Giving or receiving?
Both! I love seeing peoples faces when they open their gifts you’ve spent ages hunting down for them, but I’m sure, like everyone, there’s fun in opening them too!
To mince pie or not?
Not, I wish they still had real mince in!
What’s your traditional Christmas lunch?
Turkey, roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, honey roast carrots, all kinds of veg, stuffing and a variety of deserts.
Christmas Day Fashion:
I usually wear something that I’ve been bought for Christmas but this year I’m wearing shoes and a dress I got for my birthday last week.
What’s your favourite Christmas film?
There’s only two that I actually like; Elf and Nightmare Before Christmas. Both too good for words!
Open presents before or after lunch?
Before! The stocking gets opened on Mum and Dads bed, yes I am 24, and then we go downstairs and do all of our presents before a salmon breakfast!
Hey, I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy! Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new. Here you can read about my adventures!