London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Top 5 Tips for a Gluten Free Diet *

*This is a collaborative post.

If you’re worried that you may have a gluten-intolerance, or you’re already living with coeliac disease, knowing what foods you can and cannot eat can be a challenge. So, to make everyday life a little bit easier, here are five top tips for a gluten free diet.

Read the Labels

When you next go to the supermarket, you must pay extra attention to the labels on your favourite foods. That way, you will get a better idea of what ingredients they contain, and most importantly, whether they have gluten in them. All packaged food in the United Kingdom is covered by the law on allergen labelling, which means that once you know what to look for, you can take the time to find out whether a product is suitable for gluten free diets. Once you get into the habit of checking the labels, you will find the experience less stressful.

Use Gluten Free Substitutes

Whether you’re a lover of bread, crackers, or pasta, it’s important to note that all three contain gluten. However, that’s not to say you can’t still enjoy such foods in your diet. Simply switching to gluten free alternatives will mean you can indulge in tasty foods without worrying about the gluten content.

You will find gluten free substitutes in most supermarkets and health food shops. What’s more, if you have been officially diagnosed with coeliac disease, you may be eligible to get a prescription on the NHS (depending on your location) that entitles you to gluten free staple foods, including the products from Glutafin. They also have an in-depth guide on coeliac disease and the symptoms commonly associated with it, as well as recipe ideas to give you inspiration.

Know Which Alcohol to Avoid

Many of us love nothing more than to crack open a can of beer after a busy day at the office. However, if you’ve been diagnosed with coeliac disease, you must remember that lagers, ales, and beers contain a varying amount of gluten that is not suitable for your diet.

While there are gluten free beers you can purchase, there are lots of alternative options like wine, cider, and sherry that contain no gluten. As with anything, make sure you drink in moderation and do your best to avoid alcohol that contains gluten.

Be Wary of Cross Contamination

You may not realise it, but a small amount of gluten can be enough to exacerbate symptoms associated with coeliac disease. So, whether you’re having a date night at home with your partner, or attending a family gathering, you can reduce the risk of cross contamination by washing kitchen surfaces before you use them, having separate spreads and jars of butter to limit the spread of crumbs, and you could even purchase toaster bags.

Have Fun in the Kitchen

If you enjoy cooking and whipping up delicious meals, you may feel disheartened to continue this after your coeliac disease diagnosis. However, there are tons of gluten free flours and baking aids that you can use to create delicious treats and meals. So, simply take some time to get used to the products and you will become a pro in no time.

Whether you’ve just been diagnosed with coeliac disease, or you’re worried you may have a gluten intolerance, there are tons of tasty foods you can incorporate into your diet.

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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