London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Would Men Rather Watch Soccer or Play Online Bingo *

*This is a collaborative post.

Two entertainment arenas that are dominated by men are sport and gambling. The most popular sport of them all is football and even though there is now a women’s soccer league, it is still behind the male version both in popularity and quality. The viewing figures also reflect this as millions of people tune in to watch the men’s Premier League on a regular basis, whilst the female version is on the rise, it will take a while before it rivals men’s soccer as an armchair spectator sport. 

The majority of soccer spectators are men but women are starting to tune into soccer too. Tournament football is more popular with females than league football and many women follow their national teams at World Cups and European Championships. A mostly female audience, follow the women’s leagues but when there is a massive international tournament, again TV and stadium support increases for the women’s game as well. Soccer is still the most popular sport on the planet and it leads the way in the UK. Many people don’t just watch the game they also enjoy playing it at Barbados Bingo.

Bingo and Bongo vs Soccer 

Although online bingo games aren’t a spectator sport, they still have a large following – and this was mostly thought to be a female one. This view developed over time but was not always the case, as early forms of Bingo that date back to the 16th century were actually men only affairs. Before Bingo moved online, the stereotypical view of a Bingo player was either a pensioner or a female. Recent market research has discovered that 90% of UK Bingo players are in fact now under 50 and another misconception is that mostly women and their gay male friends play the game. The actual statistics suggest that since Bingo went online and hybrids link Bongo Bingo developed, this has attracted more men both gay straight, young and old into the Bingo arena.  Women do still shade it as they tend to attend Bingo at Bingo Halls and Bongo Bingo events in large social groups compared to their male counterparts who prefer to watch soccer in bars and pubs in large numbers. 

The Elements Of Success 

Bongo Bingo has managed to attract the bar, pub and club crowd and this is a good mixture of young males and females. This is down to the success of Bongo Bingo appealing to this group as it offers cocktails and plenty of other alcohol against a backdrop of rave culture and Bingo games. Even many Bingo sites are losing their pink fluffy designs and going for a more, hard-hitting masculine approach, with dark colours and more male models advertising the game. 

Final Thoughts 

It will take more than new ways of playing Bingo, or online Bingo sites that mainly pander to men, to get them away from their beloved soccer. When you factor in the passion in which men support their clubs, Bingo has its work cut out to compete with such a huge sporting juggernaut.

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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