London Living with an Alternative Twist!

7 Interventions To Boost Your Self-Esteem *


Self-confidence is one of the most fundamental and valuable characteristics a person can possess, playing a crucial role in our interactions with others and how we act, as well as shaping our self-image and making us feel good about ourselves. Unfortunately for some individuals, low self-confidence can be debilitating; fortunately, there are interventions available that could boost it significantly; in this blog post, we’ll outline seven such interventions which may assist with raising your levels of self-assurance.


Cognitive Restructuring

One of the most common strategies to boost self-esteem is cognitive restructuring. It involves overcoming unfavourable mental habits and teaching your mind to think more favourably. To do this, one must recognise the negative thoughts, examine them rationally, and then swap them out with constructive ideas. This procedure will give you the ability to take control of your thoughts rather than requiring you to change any aspect of your body or look. You can identify and replace unjustified or harmful beliefs with new ones with the aid of cognitive restructuring.

Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are statements that focus on your positive qualities and strengths. They help boost self-esteem by helping you focus on what is good about yourself and your life. When repeating these affirmations, they should be said in the present tense, as if they are already true. Additionally, you should say them with conviction and believe in them for them to have a positive effect on your self-confidence. Furthermore, share your positive affirmations journey with close friends and family; it may help to provide some extra motivation for others to understand how these positive affirmations are improving your quality of life.

Teeth Aligners

An often overlooked intervention for boosting self-confidence is the use of teeth aligners. Crooked teeth, gaps in the smile, or other dental imperfections can lead to feelings of insecurity and lack of self-confidence. Teeth alignment can help improve your self-image, as well as make you feel more confident when speaking and smiling. While traditional braces are still a popular option, newer options such as clear aligners provide a more subtle way to correct teeth misalignment. Many people underestimate how much your smile can affect your overall self-confidence. Keep in mind that it is never too late to have this done, so if you are interested in improving your self-confidence through correcting your teeth alignment, seek advice from an expert who can guide you through the process.


Exercise has been proven to increase confidence levels as well as physical and mental well-being. Physical activity releases endorphins that have the ability to make us feel happier and energised. If you don’t already have an exercise routine, create one and stick with it; it may solve your personal confidence issues very effectively! Eventually, you should notice gradual improvements both physically and psychologically.

Hair Transplants

Another way of increasing self-confidence is through hair transplant surgery. Loss of hair can be devastatingly traumatic for many individuals and drastically affect both appearance and confidence levels. Hair transplants offer hope by helping restore fullness and thickness to areas affected by balding or thinning. This could give you back control over how you look while also significantly increasing your self-assurance.

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is another popular means of increasing self-confidence. Though not suitable for everyone, plastic surgery can offer effective solutions to many physical insecurities. Common procedures include rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, and liposuction; however, prior to making any decision regarding cosmetic procedures, it’s essential that thorough research be conducted first in order to make sure this decision is the appropriate choice for you. In many cases, the need for plastic surgery doesn’t only arise from a lack of self-confidence but as a result of past accidents or any other medical issues that have changed the way you look.

Wardrobe Makeover

One last intervention to help boost your self-confidence is a wardrobe makeover. If you’re feeling like your current style isn’t quite the look you want, try switching it up. Start by finding some inspiration from fashion bloggers and magazines, and then start shopping for pieces that make you feel confident and powerful. An updated wardrobe can give you the confidence boost needed to conquer whatever life throws your way.

By employing any or all of these interventions, you could soon experience increased levels of self-confidence. Change is never easy, and these methods should never be considered a quick fix, but when it comes to self-confidence building, the results are truly worth it! So if your confidence levels aren’t where they should be, now is the time to start your journey. 


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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