London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Top Tips To Help Improve A Dog’s Health *


Your dog’s health is likely something as important as your own, in your eyes as a dog owner. While they may not be on this earth for as long as humans are, they still make a major impact and leave a lasting impression on any individual or household.

Every breed is a little different, with some living to the ripe old age of 18, whereas others may only have about 10-12 years. However long they have, it’s important to do what you can to help improve your dog’s health where you can.

With that being said, there are certainly plenty of tips that will keep your dog’s health in tip-top condition throughout the years that they’re alive. Here are some tips to improve your own dog’s health going forward.

Stop giving them human food

As much as they may beg and give you those puppy-dog eyes, try to avoid feeding them human food. There’s a reason why they often react badly to human food, whether that’s through vomiting or it coming out runny and smelly on the other end.

Of course, there are raw food diets that can be explored but it’s important that when it comes to feeding them human food, you’re not feeding anything that’s going to be bad for them. While some food is suggested to be edible for dogs, it might not be the best for their stomachs and in large quantities.

If you’re looking to maximize their health, then introducing supplements that have all of the nutrients they need is a lot better than trying to feed them human food all the time. Try to avoid giving them human food where possible and have them stick to their own diet of food, whatever that may be currently.

Feed them a probiotic every day

A probiotic is definitely something you want to incorporate into your dog’s food. It’s a great aid for those that might struggle with flatulence and poop that might not be as firm as it should be.

It’s great for their gut and there are many other benefits to probiotics for dogs can provide for your pooch. It’s worth exploring all of the options that are on the market, especially as they can vary in price and content.

Feeding them a probiotic every day will definitely make a big difference to how well they feel in themselves and ensure they’re processing their food as effectively as possible.

Make sure they’re getting their daily walks

When you get a dog, it’s a commitment that’s more than just feeding them and ensuring they’re getting plenty of love every day. Exercise is a big factor in their health and something that will definitely make a difference in how they feel about themselves.

Exercise is good for mental stimulation but also for physical health. Every breed is different and in fact, every dog will have their own needs when it comes to how much time they end up playing outdoors.

For a small dog, 30 minutes should be enough and for a large dog, it could be up to 2 hours every day. It’s important to be aware of the responsibility that comes with walking your dog every day and ensuring you can commit to the time they need.

Regular health checks are a must

Regular health checks are a must, just like the ones that we get as human beings. Our trips to the doctor, eye doctor and dentist are all essential, which means your dog should be getting exactly the same treatment.

Be sure to take your dog to the vet every year for their annual check-up and all-important vaccination. This will help ensure your dog is being looked after properly and that any underlying health conditions are being reviewed as and when they need to be.

If you’ve got any concerns about your dog’s health, don’t rely on Google to answer the questions for you or self-diagnose your dog’s condition. In serious situations, you could be avoiding the inevitable and instead, just take them directly to your vets for advice.

Give them their monthly flea and tick treatments

At the very least, every dog should be receiving a flea and tick treatment, as well as a worming tablet. The flea and tick treatment is usually administered every month, whereas a worming tablet is typically given every three to six months depending on the dog’s breed and susceptibility to worms.

Monthly flea and tick treatments are helpful in keeping them healthy but it also ensures they’re not having to deal with any uncomfortable feelings. Not only that but if you’re allowing fleas or ticks to end up on the dog’s coat and skin, then this could also impact your own home surroundings.

After all, fleas and ticks can be a nightmare to get rid of, especially when it comes to infestations in your home! Make sure to follow these tips to keep your dog’s health in good shape for years to come.

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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