London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Tips on Keeping Your Home Clean and Tidy *

*Collaborative post.

If you want a simple way to enhance your sense of well-being, then you should focus on your home. If a whole refurb is out of the question, then you need to find other ways to make it a more pleasant place t be. Keeping the house clean and tidy is a great way to do this. If you live in a busy household with kids running about and stuff everywhere, you need to take stock and discover a few simple hacks to enhance the home. Here are a few tips:



If it has been a while since you last decluttered if ever, then you have got your work cut out. You may need to set aside a couple of days or more to do it. This means going through drawers, wardrobes, and cupboards and getting rid of everything that no longer serves a purpose in your life. You can chuck it away, sell it or give it to charity it doesn’t matter. As soon as you start unloading your home of all the rubbish, you will start to feel better, and it makes it a lot easier to clean. Once you have decluttered, it makes sense to try and keep on top of it by throwing things out when you have finished with them, and once a week or month or so, have a basic decluttering session. 

Fix Things

If you do not stay on top of all the repairs that your house needs, then it can cause no end of issues. Something like a water leak can ruin woodwork and mortar between bricks, ruining the ceilings. It can even cause more integral problems to the structure – this could happen as a result of a blocked up, or damaged gutter or roof leak. Water can also cause mould to grow and destroy walls and more. So make a list of all the things that need fixing, and make it your mission to tick every item off the list. 

The Right Cleaning Equipment

Every so often, you may need to do a deep cleaning of your house. This could mean that you have to buy or hire the right equipment. Carpet cleaners and pressure washers are two examples of specialist equipment. However, in your normal day-to-day life, you need the right cleaning equipment. If you have a house with animals, then you are going to need a strong vacuum and possibly an anti-allergen one. If you have a pool, then you are going to need pool cleaners. If you live in a damp house, then you may need to invest in a dehumidifier to keep the moisture off the walls and prevent mould. There are also a lot of different standard cleaning things you will need, from rubber gloves and mould spray. 

Day-to-Day Cleaning Activity

You should try and keep surfaces and floors clean every day. Carpets may need to be hoovered at least once a week, the same goes for mopping hard floors. The bathroom could do with a once-over once a week. But in most cases, clean-as-you-go is the best course of action. 

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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