London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Serene Summer Sanctum: Transforming Your Bedroom into a Tranquil Retreat *


With summer officially upon us, now is an excellent opportunity to give your home and bedroom an exciting and stimulating update. A well-planned room can stimulate creativity while offering relaxation.

In this blog post we’ll go through some creative solutions for turning any bedroom into the ultimate haven!

Splashes of Color

Nothing says summer like vibrant and cheerful hues! Consider painting the walls in vibrant tones like aqua, lemon yellow and coral for an instant summer vibe or adding pops of colour through accessories like bedding curtains rugs wall art etc to the environment. A colourful environment will instantly uplift your spirits creating the ideal setting to kick start your summer fun!

Nautical or Tropical Themes

Experience summer by adding nautical and/or tropical touches into bedroom decor. For instance, use seashell decals on walls, hang a fishing net to display seashells or beach treasures from local beaches, and include anchor-themed pillows and bedding as part of a nautical theme. 


Similarly, tropical elements can include palm leaf patterns, flamingo or pineapple accents or prints with tropical-themed graphics – these themes will transport you directly into a summer paradise in your bedroom!

Indoor Camping Adventure

The summer sun often inspires outdoor explorations, so why not bring camping indoors instead? Create an immersive camping corner complete with a tent or teepee, comfy floor cushions and fairy lights – fairy lights add magic as does adding nature-themed wall decals or posters depicting forests, mountains or starry skies for extra magic. Beds with stars overhead can be gorgeous! Spend your evenings relaxing under “the stars”.

Light and Airy Fabrics

In order to keep cool during hot summer days, it is crucial to create an airy atmosphere in your bedroom. Choose lightweight yet breathable materials for bedding, curtains and cushions made of cotton or linen material which allows airflow while at the same time helping regulate temperatures; sheer curtains allow plenty of natural light while maintaining privacy; creating an inviting place where you can unwind and recharge yourself. 


By including all these elements you will ensure the bedroom remains an inviting haven where you can recharge yourself comfortably and rejuvenate yourself mentally or even physically during down time or travel delays!

Organised Summer Storage

With summer comes an assortment of clothes, beach gear and outdoor essentials that need to be stored somewhere – to stay organised it’s essential that your bedroom remains tidy with ample storage solutions like baskets, cubbies, shelves or themed containers like beach buckets or woven baskets adding fun touches while simultaneously helping you easily locate and enjoy all your summer items! Providing this kind of solution won’t just ensure your room remains tidy but will make your summer more enjoyable overall!

Summer Reading Nook

Encourage yourself to read by creating a cozy summer reading nook in your bedroom. Start with comfortable reading chairs or bean bags along with bookshelves stocked with your summer reads; add fairy lights for added magic; light airy curtains/blinds will provide enough natural lighting while immersing yourself in books! Your reading nook can become a go-to place for relaxation and intellectual exploration during your summer!

DIY Nature Corner

Bring nature indoors by designing a DIY nature corner in the bedroom. Create an area to display items from nature you find such as seashells, rocks and flowers from your exploration. A mini terrarium could add another touch of greenery. Consider installing bird feeders outside the window too for some added fun! This space will invite the outside while simultaneously creating an engaging and peaceful ambiance within your room!

Keep Summer Adventures In Focus

Make summer adventures come to life by creating a wall of memories in your bedroom. Hang a corkboard or clothesline across the wall, using clothespins to hang photographs, postcards, mementos and memories from vacations or outings from last summer on it – selecting and organising them can bring back all kinds of warm feelings when remembering these wonderful experiences you had throughout the years!

Invite in Summer Scents and Sounds

Elevate the sensory experience by incorporating soothing scents and sounds. Use essential oil diffusers with fragrances like lavender or citrus to create a tranquil atmosphere. Play calming instrumental music or nature sounds to further enhance the ambiance.

Final Thoughts

Transforming your bedroom into an inviting summer oasis is a fantastic way to give you something exciting to look forward to during those warm, bright months. By injecting vibrant colours, adding themes, and relaxing elements you can give your bedroom a summer upgrade! Get creative now, let your imagination run wild, and turn your bedroom into the ultimate summer sanctuary!

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!