London Living with an Alternative Twist!

How to Organise a Game Night with Friends *


Busy, conflicting schedules mean it can be hard to put time aside to see friends. However, it’s important to schedule dates now and then so you can catch up with one another. While one-on-one meetups are valuable, nothing beats spending time in a large group. 

The goal should be to plan something that’s accessible and cost-effective so that everyone can relax and enjoy themselves.

Games nights can be a fun and reliable option when creating a light-hearted setting to spend time with friends. It’s a format that can be tweaked every time to keep things exciting. Plus, you can adapt it to the seasons by hosting them in the garden during the summer or inside with a cosy set-up in the winter

Choosing the right games

The fun starts with choosing the games. Try to incorporate the interests of your friends when deciding, as well as practical elements such as the amount of players and their difficulty. 

Choose from board games, card games and digital options to cater to different tastes. For example, you might pick a strategy game, before mixing things up with a few rounds of mobile slots. Keep things varied by switching up the gaming format. This also adds natural breaks where you can chat and grab some food. You might prefer to warm up with simpler tournaments before moving onto something that requires more brain power.

Setting up the perfect environment

To make the most of the evening, setting the scene is key. That means checking you have enough chairs so everyone can play comfortably. If possible, set up your games in a spot with good lighting so everyone can see the board or cards clearly.

Create a playlist so there’s background music and prepare some snacks to keep everyone well-fed. If you’ve chosen a theme, go ahead and decorate the space to bring it to life. Dress codes can be a great way to get people more engaged, while personal touches like homemade counters and themed cards can make all the difference.

Engaging everyone

Your role as host is to make sure all the participants are involved and having a great time. If you sense that someone is struggling or not enjoying a particular game, make sure you suggest alternatives so everyone gets to play something they like.

Games nights are known to generate a healthy spot of competition. However, if someone takes it too far, don’t be afraid to intervene and shake things up so that the evening remains light-hearted. It may be beneficial to mix up the teams, as well as the games. Inclusivity is a big part of gaming together, so make this a central theme throughout the evening. 


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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