London Living with an Alternative Twist!

My Top Haunted Holiday Destinations for 2024


If you know me, you will know that spook season is my most favourite time of the year. You’ll also know that I adore travel, so travelling for spooky season is something that’s always on my bucket list!

When I saw Liverpool Airport’s article that looks at the most ‘Haunting Holidays’ you can travel to this Halloween or all year round, it inspired to me to curate a list of my own and share it! Hopefully, from this, you’ll find a new spooky place that you’re desperate to sink your teeth into.

Poveglia Island, Italy

Poveglia Island, off the coast of Venice, has a chilling history that includes an asylum built in the late 1800s, which later became a geriatric centre before closing in 1975. Despite the building’s decayed state, remnants like clawfoot tubs remain. Visitors, both legal and illegal, have reported paranormal encounters, from eerie sounds to physical sensations like touches and scratches. Even a construction crew abruptly abandoned their restoration project, allegedly disturbed by ghostly presences. Although some companies offer boat trips to the island, it is private property, and trespassing is not allowed. I’d still love to be able to grab a glimpse of it though!

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

With ghost sightings and tales of ancient battles, this medieval fortress is filled with supernatural lore. One of the most famous ghosts is The Grey Lady, sometimes she is seen wandering about, and other times she is simply heard weeping. No one is quite sure who this apparition may be, but guesses include Janet Douglas, aka Lady Glamis who was burned at the stake outside the castle or Marie de Guise, the Catholic mother and regent of Mary Queen of Scots. There’s also a few others that have been spotted too – not a bad place to ghost spot then!

Leap Castle, Ireland

Leap Castle is a partially ruined castle not far from the town of Roscrea, Ireland. It’s reportedly one of the world’s most haunted castles and has a long history of legends and hauntings so it should be on any dark tourist list of places to visit.  During the castle’s renovation, workers discovered a dungeon where prisoners were once left to die. At the bottom of the shaft were spikes, and when it was cleared out, they found three cartloads of human bones. A pocket watch was also uncovered in the dungeon, adding to the eerie history of the place.

Now there are works on the castle to bring it back to its former glory!

The Sedlec Ossuary, Czech Republic

From the outside, you would think that it is just an average old medieval Gothic church, but hidden within there’s a chapel decorated with the bones of between 40,000 to 70,000 people. These bones were arranged into stunning, macabre displays, including a chandelier made from every bone in the human body!

The Ossuary’s decoration was done by a woodcarver named František Rint in the 1870s, who was tasked with transforming the skeletal remains into intricate designs, creating one of the most unique and eerie chapels in the world. You can see why the chapel welcomes over 200,000 visitors a year.

Houska Castle, Czech Republic

Yet another entry for the Czech Republic, and with this having been said to be built over a “Gateway to Hell” with mysterious legends and paranormal activity, it can’t be missed off the list!

Legends claim it was constructed to seal a bottomless pit filled with demonic creatures, hence the “Gateway to Hell” nickname being formed. Locals feared the area long before the castle was built. Visitors and workers have reported eerie occurrences at the castle, including ghost sightings, strange noises, and unexplained phenomena. Some believe the spirits of those sacrificed or imprisoned there still haunt the grounds.

Nowadays, Houska Castle is owned by the family of Josef Šimonek, the former president of car manufacturer Škoda!

Borgvattnet Vicarage, Sweden

One of Sweden’s most haunted houses, where visitors report eerie phenomena like moving objects and strange noises. The village of Borgvattnet is home to only around 50 residents, so it’s a tiny place to visit! Visitors have reported sightings of ghostly apparitions, including a priest’s widow who is said to rock back and forth in a chair. Another eerie occurrence involves witnesses seeing a group of ghostly women crying in one of the rooms. These unsettling experiences have made Borgvattnet a famous destination for paranormal enthusiasts.

What’s on your spooky season travel wishlist?

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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