London Living with an Alternative Twist!

How to Involve the Whole Family in Supporting Care Home Residents *


Caring for a loved one in a care home is a shared responsibility that can bring family members closer together. Involving the entire family—children, parents, grandparents, and even extended relatives—in supporting care home residents helps create a network of love and support that can significantly enhance the resident’s well-being. It also helps foster a sense of community, encourages meaningful interactions, and provides a variety of perspectives and strengths to draw from.

Here are some creative and effective ways to get the whole family engaged in supporting care home residents, making every member feel valued and involved in the process.

Establish a Family Visit Schedule

Create a family visit schedule that accommodates the availability of each family member. Designate specific days or weeks for different family members to visit, so the resident has a steady stream of visitors and interactions. For example, parents might visit on weekends, while adult children or grandchildren could visit on weekday evenings. This approach not only ensures that the resident receives consistent company but also allows each family member to build their own unique relationship with the loved one, fostering a deeper sense of connection.

Organise Themed Family Visits

Themed family visits can make interactions more exciting and engaging for everyone involved. Choose a theme that everyone can participate in, such as “Favourite Movie Night,” where each family member shares their favourite film, or “Family History Day,” where everyone brings a photo or story from the past. You could even have a “Family Recipe Tasting” visit, where each person brings a small dish from a cherished family recipe. These themed visits add structure, bring something new to each gathering, and make every visit a memorable experience.

Create a “Family Project” for the Resident’s Room

Work together on a family project that can be displayed in your loved one’s room. Many care homes, such as, encourage residents to personalise their space and this could be a large family photo collage, a quilt made from contributions by different family members, or a memory board filled with messages, drawings, and photos from relatives. Not only does this project involve the whole family, but it also gives the residents something tangible to look at and enjoy every day, reminding them of the love and support that surrounds them. 

Host Multi-Generational Gatherings

Plan multi-generational gatherings at the care home to include family members of all ages. Bring children, teenagers, parents, and grandparents together for events like a family picnic, a game night, or a holiday celebration. Make sure the activities are suitable for all ages so that everyone can participate, whether it’s decorating cookies, sharing family stories, or playing simple board games. These gatherings help bridge generational gaps and create a warm, inclusive environment that benefits both the resident and the family as a whole.

Encourage Remote Family Members to Stay Involved

Family members who live far away can still play an active role in supporting care home residents. Encourage them to make regular phone or video calls, send letters or cards, or create short video messages to be played during visits. They could also contribute to family projects, such as creating pages for a family scrapbook or recording messages for special occasions. This helps remote family members stay connected and feel involved, even if they can’t physically be present.

Create a “Grandchildren’s Corner”

Designate a small area in the resident’s room or a shared space in the care home as the “Grandchildren’s Corner.” This space can be filled with drawings, small toys, books, or messages from the grandchildren. When the children visit, they can add new items to the corner, making it an ongoing project that grows with each visit. It serves as a visual representation of the love and creativity of the younger family members and encourages the resident to look forward to seeing what’s new each time.

Set Up a Rotating “Family Pen Pal” System

Set up a rotating pen pal system where different family members write letters to the resident on a regular basis. Each week, assign a different person to send a letter, drawing, or small note. Over time, the resident will receive messages from every family member, helping them feel connected even on days when no one can visit in person. This system can also include sharing updates about family events, new hobbies, or just small day-to-day moments, making the resident feel part of the family’s ongoing story.

Include the Care Home Community in Family Events

In addition to supporting your own family member, consider involving other residents and care home staff in family events. Host a small holiday party or a “Thank You” tea for the care staff, or plan a group activity that includes other residents who may not have frequent visitors. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of community and demonstrates that your family values not just your loved one, but the entire care home community.

Making Family Involvement Meaningful and Lasting

Involving the entire family in supporting a loved one in a care home is more than just visiting—it’s about creating a network of care, love, and connection that transcends physical distance and busy schedules. By engaging in shared projects, organising multi-generational gatherings, and encouraging contributions from every family member, you can ensure that your loved one feels supported, cherished, and truly part of the family. With thoughtful planning and creativity, these efforts can lead to cherished memories and stronger family bonds that last a lifetime.

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