London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Making Travel Easier with my Cabin Zero Backpack *

When it comes to travel, we cram in as much as we physically can. We love to escape our hometown as often as we can, not because we don’t love it, far from it, we just love to see and do as much as we can. We  have so many trips planned this year and we’ve already been on a fair few so I like…

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How to Maintain you Car to Ensure it’s Best Performance *

If you’re anything like us, we don’t tend to use our car too much as we commute to work via London Transport so the car only gets outings of a weekend. With the car sitting in its parking space for around 75% of the week, we have to make sure that when we do take it out, especially on long drives, that it’s in tip…

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The Best Honeymoon Destinations in Europe *

Europe is one of the most popular honeymoon destinations and it is really not hard to see why! Europe is bursting with bustling cities, beautiful countryside’s, gorgeous islands and stunning coasts, so there really is something for everyone here, no matter what type of honeymoon you are looking for. In fact, there are so many amazing places to choose from that it can be difficult…

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Is your Car Ready for your Summer Road Trips and Daily Drives? *

We all know that checking our car for winter is a big must, and I’ve even covered what to look out for on this site but a lot of people forget to check their cars before heading out in the sunshine as they don’t think their car needs as much attention in summer! Well, you are wrong! Cars need attention all year round, especially after the…

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My Favourite Alternative Blogger Babes

After yesterdays post I felt like I need to share my inspiration and give the girls that have made me feel dead chuffed about my alternative look.   Emma Inks Not only is she a babe online, this mermaid haired boss babe is amazing in real life too. Emma has her own way of showing off her dark, alternative style and I’m dead envious of…

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Finally Feeling Good in my Own Skin

I’ve never been a confident person in the way that I look. In fact, I’m still not an overly confident person in the way that I look but recently I’ve become a lot happier in my own skin. I’ve come to terms with there always being people that will look better than I do, will be slimmer than I am, be far prettier than I am…

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My Working from Home Interiors Wishlist *

As you all know, I’m now working for myself at home so I’m spending a hell of a lot of time in our flat which has got me thinking about a few changes I’d love to make to the second bedroom that is now where I do all of my work. We’ve got a desk each as Mike is a Microsoft user so he has…

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Spending Time with Mom & Dad at the Preview Screening *

I’ve never done a film review on here before but I guess there’s always time to start them. Mike is a big film buff and I’m slowly getting better, but I do tend to just ask to watch ‘a funny one’ when Mike asks what I want to watch. I don’t mind if it’s chick flick funny, darkly funny, boyish humour funny or horror funny;…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!