London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

How to Drop Hints so that he knows you’re Ready to get Engaged *

When you’ve been living with a guy for two to three years, sometimes he can get stuck in his ways and used to the fact that you’re around all of the time. You’re ready and waiting for him to pop the question, but it seems like he hasn’t even thought of it — so why not drop a few hints to your man so that…

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Safe Packing for Trips Abroad *

When it comes to packing to go abroad I’m one of those people that makes lists about making lists. I’m off to Spain on Wednesday so I thought I’d share with you my list of the important bits I’m always super cautious not to forget! It’s your best way to avoid having to make holiday illness claims when you get back!  First Aid Kit No matter where…

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One Pot Prawn Linguine

Last week I got a little daring and tried a new recipe and a new cooking method in the shape of One Pot Prawn Linguine – I was chuffed with how it turned out so I thought I’d share it with you lovely lot! I’d never cooked pasta in the same pot as the sauce, I would always boil first so this recipe saved time and…

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Stagolee’s, Fulham *

Last week I took one of my buddies along to the blogger’s event at Stagolee’s in Fulham. Having been a dream of Ashley and Jordan for years, they finally opened the doors to their first restaurant just under 3 months ago. If you’re looking for real Southern American food then this is a place that needs to be top of your list! It’s got me…

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Running the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge

On Thursday night, in 27 degree heat, myself and 11 eleven others from work took on the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge in Battersea Park. It seemed like a great idea at the time when I signed up, that had soon faded as we were waiting in the blistering heat for the race to start. We had a fun team photo in our mismatched shirts as some of us…

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Stepping Out of my Comfort Zone *

If you’re a long time follower of mine, you will know that I struggle a lot with how I look. I often write about fitness, my attempts to lose weight and how I feel like I’ve failed by not achieving some of the things I thought I would of by now, but sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind and try something…

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The Sutton Arms, Barbican *

I’m a fan of Fuller’s pub; they’re always decent priced with good quality food and you can find one in most areas around London! I enjoy how they all seem to have different decor, the menus differ slightly as to whether they’re a Kitchen branch or a normal Fuller’s and how I’ve only experienced happy service from staff! An old friend of mine works at…

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The Station Pantry, Upminster

You all know that I’m a big fan of keeping things local when I can, so an evening to The Station Pantry in Upminster was needed! As the name suggests the venue was minutes (if that) from Upminster station and on the hot day we visited the aircon as we opened the door was very well received! The Station Pantry is a family run restaurant with…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!