London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Char’s Guest Post

I’m Char and I blog over at t*rexes and tiaras. I wasn’t quite sure what to write when Haydy asked for a guest post, but the thing I get asked the most is my handmade wardrobe, so I figured I’d start there. Having never really been one for “fitting in” when I was a kid, I would always look for ways to alter, embellish or…

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Get Rid Of Stubborn Fat With These Awesome Tips And Ideas*

It’s no secret that we want our bodies to look and feel good. We follow the strictest diets, take weight loss pills, and go running every other day, but sometimes that just doesn’t seem to be enough. After months of dieting and hitting the gym, sometimes we still have areas of fat that won’t budge. When you are working hard to get your body into…

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A La Jode’s Guest Post

How to eBay Like a Pro: Tips for Buying Quality Clothing Online Oh, hey there! My name’s Jodie and it looks like Haydy’s let me take over for today, so perhaps I should introduce myself. I’m a fashion and lifestyle blog called A La Jode and I’m the Editor of PlusMinus Magazine. Fashion is my area of expertise and pretty much my entire world, but…

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So it’s that time of year when everyone starts baking, and I have no idea why?! Someone mentioned a famous TV show or something… I joke; what a terrible blogger I would be if I wasn’t up to date with such things! Well any way, I was invited along by Neff, who may have been featured in the famous TV show, to bake up lots…

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Summer Scents Afternoon Tea at The Intercontinental, London

The ever so lovely Penny and I (wait isn’t that a song) headed over to the pretty damn impressive Intercontinental Hotel on Park Lane to try out their Summer Scents Afternoon Tea. The hotel itself is stunning on the inside, and the floral displays were incredible! Sadly I didn’t take any photos of this as I felt a little awkward snapping away whilst people were enjoying…

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Fashion Worked Guest Post

A Mans Man, Not Me! I like rugby, I go to bars, I go to boxing training, no bouts since I was at Uni though. All of these seem like very masculine activities, quite often I even sound like Mickey Flannagan when I talk, double busy and I’ve lifted swearing into an art form, I could take on Malcom Tucker. But as a man with…

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I am a HUGE burrito fan, so I thought I’d share this fab recipe with you to add a little spice to your evening with this delicious extra cheesy burrito recipe. The combination of Pilgrims Choice Extra Mature Cheddar, onions and homemade guacamole makes this moreish dish perfect for sharing with family and friends. A simple and quick recipe that is delightfully filling and a perfect…

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Top 10 Facts About Bingo*

I love a good night out at the Bingo; it’s not just for older women, in fact playing Free Bingo online is growing at a ridiculous rate! So off the back of that I though I would put together ten fun random facts about Bingo… Did you know Bingo wasn’t originally called Bingo, it was called Beano and it was played at most Country Fairs.…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!