London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Do You Gamble Online?*

There is a lot of taboo around online gambling, but I have never been one to disapprove of it!  I have used a few different variations of the online casino but personally I always head over to NETBET. The United Kingdom is one of the key markets in gambling with it being legalised in 2005. Our neighbouring countries and the rest of Europe also forms the…

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Why You Have To Visit The French Riviera

To be honest, you don’t need any more reasons to visit the French Riviera than you already have; it is the French Riviera! It is one of the most glamorous and beautiful places on the planet, and if you get the chance to visit in your lifetime, you will be privileged. For all the glitz and the glamour, there is a lot more to the…

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#EssexEatsIn with La Belle Assiette

Last week three Essex Bloggers and our other halves were lucky enough to have a gourmet chef sent to my house to cook for us! La Belle Assiette have had the incredible idea of bringing together outstanding chefs with exquisite menus that means you can select a time and a date that suits you for them to come and cook at your house… an excuse for…

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Thousands of Brits flock there every year, but do we know the real Glastonbury? As festival fanatics begin stocking up on straw hats, UV paint and those essential wellies, the town of Glastonbury prepares for the chaos of its busiest weekend of the year. But the stunning countryside, quaint market town, impressive Abbey and, of course, the famous Glastonbury Tor will be lost on many…

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OOTD with Blue Inc.

Did you guys know that Blue Inc. does ladies clothing? Well they do!  I styled up a lush summery top from their collection as a day to day classic, here’s how I looked: Not bad for a total bargain! You can find their top selection here for yourself. I have had some really great compliments whilst wearing this top! I think I need to invest…

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BBQ Tips from Michelin A Star Chef!

As you may already know I’m not a Michelin Star Chef, although rumour has it I should be… so these BBQ tips have come from a very reliable source, Steve Smith.  Steve is from the Bohemia restaurant, Jersey, and as it’s National BBQ it makes sense to share these… Avoid Disasters It may seem obvious but if you want to avoid any disasters then you need…

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PGA Championship with BMW

So being the amazing girlfriend that I am I jumped at the chance to head to the PGA Championship this weekend with BMW as the chap loves his golf! We headed over to the legendary Wentworth Club, hopped on the park and ride straight to the entrance. Our tickets were checked and then freedom was ours! I say freedom as I’ve never been to such…

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‘City Lights’ in London

Discover creative neon light art in Brewer Street, and revisit an integral part of Soho’s history. ‘City Lights’ is the newest exhibition in a series of exciting and educational events happening at the Lights of Soho gallery at 35 Brewer Street from 28 May – 5 July. After the success of ‘God’s Own Junkyard’ the late Chris Bracey’s gallery in Lights of Soho gallery late…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!