London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Last Week in Images…

Last week was a pretty crazy one! On Wednesday I went to see Thirty Seconds to Mars, and the lovely Jared Leto brought out a Union Jack flag! So naturally the next morning I took a photograph of my ever growing wristband collection, I’ve since taken my iTunes one off as it was paper! Thursday evening I had a night at home with the partner…

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200 Followers Giveaway…

Hopefully sometime very soon I will be hitting my 200 followers mark! WOOP. To celebrate I will be doing a small giveaway, it won’t be huge as I’m now officially a grown up with a savings account saving for adult things! Keep your eyes peeled for this!…

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The 1975, Shepherd’s Bush Empire.

I am such a fan girl, I’ve now see The 1975 three times in a month.  They are so addictive! Having never been to Shepherd’s Bush I was pleasantly surprised by the lovely venue!  The entrance and ticket check was super fast, I’m fed up of waiting around outside gigs!  The staff were all really nice, and a chatty also. We didn’t see the support…

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LOVE Celebrity Match.

LOVE are holding a charity football match in support of The Prince’s Trust and The Arsenal Foundation at Finchley Wingate Stadium, North London, Sunday 29th September 2013. They have a line up of celebs, which will be announced during the next week. The Celeb team will be playing The Arsenal Legends team to helping to raise money for The Princes Trust! There will also be…

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Song of the Day…

So by the time ths gets posted, I’m back from my fun week off with my partner in crime and will be chilling before going back to work!  I think this track, ‘Holdin’ On’ by Flume is perfect for that!…

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Right Now…

I am mostly… WEARING: clothes I have never been able to fit into before. WATCHING: Lots on BlinkBox! LISTENING: My Roadtrip playlist. READING: Inferno by Dan Brown. MAKING:  Lots of fun plans as our 2 week holidays is approaching. DOING: Lots of fun things :p…

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Kate’s Guest Post…

Hello darlings! My name is Kate from katelynelisabeth and I’m a lifestyle/fashion/beauty blogger from Philadelphia, PA. I’m so excited to be doing this guest post and in honor of this transnational post, I thought I’d tell you about some of my favorite travel sized goodies that I’d bring with me if I were to take a trip to your neck of the woods! I subscribe…

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Last Week in Images…

It’s that time again! Last week in 6 carefully selected photographs from Instagram, and here they are… First up we have the amazing Grillshack, I had the best burger I’ve ever had here, pictured on the right hand side of the second row! You need to give it a try now it’s open!  Then we have the fantastic cocktails we had at MASH, they took…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!