London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Right Now…

I am mostly… WEARING: Skirts and dresses, I think I’ve gone mad! WATCHING: LISTENING: to a lot of random junk on Spotify! READING: I’m not actually reading at the moment, must put my book back in my bag! MAKING: lots of people in my office unwell! I have now been unwell for 14 days, and can’t take too much time from work as we don’t…

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A Girl Can Dream…

  I really do need this outfit.  Anyone have a spare £500 or so for me to use to purchase it?…

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Orient Express, Paris.

Here’s how it all begins. After a manic rush through London Victoria station to find Platform One, not an easy task when wearing wedges, carrying a large bag and charged with excitement, you are finally confronted with the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express check in desk. Here, one is smoothly and effortlessly transported to a world of luxury, glamour and classic nostalgia (or so the saying goes). And…

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Last weekend saw We Are FSTVL bringing 15,000 people into my lovely little hometown of Upminster, so of course I couldn’t miss it being on my door step. Our day began at 8am when we sneakily went and parked the partner in crimes car as close to the venue as possible so if we missed the last shuttle bus back to the station we didn’t…

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Bridgewood Manor, Kent.

A friend and I headed over to the Bridgewood Manor hotel in Kent for a nice chilled out spa day on Sunday. We were both really disappointed with our day, so we were only there for about an hour before making the 45 minute journey home!  Admittedly we did get a voucher from Living Social so we shouldn’t have expected much! All we got was…

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Right Now…

I am mostly… WEARING: Winter clothes still. WHERE IS SUMMER?! WATCHING: Paul O’Grady: For the Love of Dogs, amazing show! He’s such a great guy for doing what he does for the animals! LISTENING: to a lot of random junk on Spotify! READING: I’m not actually reading at the moment, must put my book back in my bag! MAKING: Slimming World meals to aid my diet. DOING:…

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This is what I’m doing today! Be jealous!…

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Spicy Homemade Chips.

So I have found a new addiction, Slimming World Homemade Chips, so here is the recipe I use and spiced up a little! Ingredients 2lb medium sized Maris Piper potatoes Smoked Paprika Fry Light spray This will serve 4 people. Method Preheat the oven to 240°C. Wash the potatoes.  I leave the skin on, but you can peel if you like! Slice lengthwise into approx…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!