I am mostly… WEARING: Jeans again, awful rain! WATCHING: Even more anime! Also watched Pitch Perfect this weekend and it’s hilarious! LISTENING: Anything summery! READING: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. MAKING: Really great carb free food! DOING: Lots of planning for out Road Trip, all hotels are now booked!…
Being a GBK fan I was greatly looking forward to my dinner there when we were on our way, and I was even happier when I arrived and it was the only restaurant on the Boardwalk that didn’t have a huge queue! But soon my excitement faded… After ordering it took a ridiculous half an hour for my starter to turn up, how does it…
Last night I took part in a a hotpod yoga class, and it was nothing like anything I had ever experienced before! Burning around 700 calories in your hour long class, who was I to say no to giving it a go! Hotpod Yoga was the brain child of Nick Higgins and Max Henderson; a yoga teacher and a strategy consultant both from London whose idea…
Friday night saw drinks at No.5 Cavendish Square, and to be honest I wasn’t overly impressed! Luckily I had great company and that made the evening worth while. I thought the building itself was stunning, and the decor was incredible, but the staff weren’t the nicest I’d had! As there were events on all floors I didn’t get to take any photographs, and the ones…
Saturday afternoon was spent with family at Bobby Jo’s Diner at Southend Sea Front, and it was rather lovely! After getting a parking space which took a few goes around the car park due to the sun shining and Southend being full of things to do, we managed to get the last table in there! Myself and the partner in crime both had Rodeo Burgers,…
The lovely team over at Money Supermarket are running a superb competition so I though I’d give it a go! You have to put a BBQ for friends or family only using the £50 they send you, mission accepted. There was 6 of us in total and plenty food left over for lunch the next day! We decided to shop in Aldi as this would be…
I am mostly… WEARING: as little as possible! It’s too hot!!! WATCHING: Brain Games. I’m actually a little disappointed by it! LISTENING: UK Old Skool Garage, so summery! READING: Angels and Demons. MAKING: Skittle Vodka!! DOING: eating lunch in the park! SO nice!!…
Before we devoured our meal at Quaglino’s we made a stop upstairs at The Hutch Club. They are lucky enough to boast London’s first alcoholic Popcorn Bar curated by gourmet popcorn connoisseurs Joe & Seph’s, yes, Ihave mentioned these guys a lot, who have designed an exclusive Nº3 Gin & Tonic flavour, caramel macchiato & whisky flavour, brandy butter flavour and olive oil & sea salt…