I’ve recently got into drinking a good gin or two so when my favourite, local, drinking establishment, The Hop Inn, hosted a gin tasting, I just had to get my name on the list. Luckily enough, Mike’s Mum was ahead of the curve and had a ticket for myself and her to go along! We tried some amazing gins, so here’s what I thought… For…
*Collaborative Post. Homes should be for living. But, unfortunately, because people live their lives so differently from each other, original architectural plans don’t always match up to what they want to do. Many of us are living in homes built for a different time, with different priorities in mind. Fortunately, adding unique spaces to your home is relatively easy. You don’t always have to do…
*Collaborative Post. A home renovation could be exactly what your house needs to get itself in better shape. While these are great, they have a way of completely just taking away the grove of things. Your normal everyday routine just feels as if it’s getting interrupted. In fact, it can be a little uncomfortable right. Whether you’re doing the renovations yourself, is beside the point.…
*Collaborative Post. It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of a trip and get sidetracked during any trip to a new location and miss out on many of the experiences that had been hoped for at first, whilst there’s always a time and place for being spontaneous, sticking to an itinerary can make a trip that much better too. It isn’t just planning…
*Collaborative Post. Vaping is a booming business that is steadily growing every year. If you’re looking for a way to branch out and do something new, this might be right up your alley. In this article, we will explore the different vaping products that are most popular right now. This is an exciting industry with much potential. So, don’t miss out! The vape cartridge is…
*Collaborative Post. Many people’s lives are improved by electricity. When it’s no longer there, its absence can trigger feelings of panic and even helplessness. Of course, it’s vital that you don’t become overwhelmed if you experience such things yourself. A plan of action is most certainly required, fuelled by a proactive mindset. What are the steps you can take to resolve matters? Here are some…
*Collaborative Post. There may come a time in your life when you need to sell your home and move on for whatever reason. This could be due to relocating for work or family, or because you’ve outgrown your current property. It can seem like a really daunting process but as long as you make a list of everything that needs doing and in what order…
Being a resident of Havering for a whopping 32 years means I’ve certainly eaten my fair share of meals in the local restaurants so I thought it’s a good time to share with you my favourites around the area from a few different cuisines to help you pick your new favourite or try something new. Nino’s I was obviously going to be starting with this…