*Collaborative Post. The changes in the way we work today, although many were thrust upon us by the pandemic, has opened up countless opportunities for professionals around the country. Being able to work from home, as well as having flexible working hours to allow for better control over your life, should provide you with a much higher level of positivity as well as a better…
*Collaborative Post. One thing is certain: the way you set up your workstation will have an impact on your mood and your productivity, regardless of whether you consider your home office a privilege or a burden. Disorganised home offices, in the same way that an unstructured desk mirrors an unorganized mind, can be a source of unwelcome impediments to the development of innovative ideas and…
*Collaborative Post. Whether you’re a kitchen whizz or you want to experiment with CBD in your baking and recipes, it’s always useful to find new and innovative ways to incorporate CBD into your lifestyle. These are six mouth-watering recipes that you’ll love adding to your repertoire. Fresh Mint Tea Herbal tea is a great and highly effective way to consume CBD, and it’s also incredibly…
*Collaborative Post. While overseas vacations are back on the menu, many people will be more comfortable with domestic trips for the rest of 2021. If you’re looking for an autumn adventure, UK staycations are the perfect solution. Whether it’s your first trip of this kind or not, careful planning will be required. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you may first fear.…
*Collaborative Post While a ‘mass city exodus’ has seen as many as 2.2 million people leaving city areas like London, undeniable benefits including easy transport links and proximity to everything we could need mean that, for some of us, city living is as good now as it ever has been. However, as shabby chic and cottage home decor takes ever-firmer hold in all of our…
*Collaborative Post Isn’t it such a great feeling gifting a friend or a family member and seeing their faces light up? Well, you can have the same feeling but better when you treat yourself. Here is a gift guide for when you want to treat yourself. A skincare set For those who love to look after their skin, a new skincare set is the best…
*Collaborative Post. No one wants to wake up in a plain and boring space. Your walls play a major role in bringing your interior decor together in any room – especially your bedroom. Indeed, a lack of wall decor is likely to make your bedroom feel unfinished and sketchy. These bedroom wall design tips can help you brighten up the space, whether you’re on a…
*Collaborative Post. Whether your company is allowing you to work from home, you run your own home-based business, you’re a freelancer, or you’re studying for an important qualification, having a pleasant home office where you can work from is a huge advantage. If you are lucky enough to have the space, and you want to set up your very own home office, here are some…