*This is a collaborative post. We have all been through a very scary time in our lives. This year has certainly not gone the way anyone will have hoped or even thought it would. We have had lockdowns where we have had to stay at home. We have had to sacrifice a lot, holidays have been cancelled and shops and restaurants shut. Who would have…
*This is a collaborative post. When it comes to weddings, why do most people choose to throw a big wedding ceremony and reception instead of eloping? While there might be pressure to have a wedding from your family, the main reason is so that you can share in your love with your guests. However, have you ever groaned at the thought of attending a wedding?…
*This is a collaborative post. While homeschooling may have been seen as marginal not too long ago, parents now have to see it as a real alternative and possibility in the future. Some might only use it temporarily, but others might see some benefits for themselves and their child in the approach. For those who are new, adapting to homeschooling may be tough, and not…
As the government eases up their guidelines we have seen a variety of places open their doors to the general public for the first time in months. I’m sure a lot of people are feeling slightly anxious about heading back into the ‘real world’ and that’s so understandable! Craving some ‘normality’ and wanting to support a local business we booked tickets to Colchester Zoo a…
*This is a collaborative post. From creams, sprays, vape, and oil, a lot of CBD products are in the market today to reach more customers with different preferences. Many people have already attested that oil can treat anxiety, and there are promising studies about this product. As the cannabidiol is increasing in popularity, so many people are also becoming curious about it and what it…
*This is a collaborative post. Swimwear is like any type of clothing: depending on the brand and the place they are sold at, you can have some expectations regarding its quality. Clothing is like any type of good, its price will pretty much decide its quality. Quality when it comes to clothing can be pretty much be decided by three factors: style, materials, and brand.…
*This is a guest post. If you find yourself staying home for a certain period of time for whatever reason, then it’s highly likely that you’ll suffer from boredom. Whether you live alone or you’re with your family or your roomies, being bored is always a constant. Sometimes you’ll even feel like all you’re doing in a day or for some time in your life…
*This is a collaborative post. The pandemic changes you wholly as a person and as a citizen of your own country. The current situation asks you to be more responsible and cautious in your actions. There are places under quarantine and a simple errand like going to your pet’s veterinarian is a big challenge. They say that for the next couple of months, this will…