London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

What To Remember When You Elope *

*This is a collaborative post. Eloping is a perfectly acceptable option if you can’t face the prospect of organising a wedding. Aside from the inevitable stress that comes with being a bride, you have to deal with the unpredictability of the current health crisis. Some couples won’t know if or when they can plan their second attempt at blissful matrimony, which makes choosing to elope…

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Administering CBD to Dogs *

*This is a collaborative post. Pets are animals that are kept by humans for both pleasure and companionship. Humans love their pets and from pre-historic times have kept them for these purposes and sometimes as a form of security. Pets are found in every society and the relationship between them and their owners is anything but one-sided rather, it benefits both humans and animals. One…

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Tips on Swinger Dating Websites for Open Minded Couples *

*This is a collaborative post. Are you and your partner in an open relationship? Or are you both nurturing the idea of swinging with other couples? In today’s world of romance, it is entirely possible to be transparent with your partner and possibly see other people. Whether you are just looking for a one-time romp or want to talk to someone, there are swinger dating…

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How To Add Variety To Your Wardrobe *

*This is a collaborative post. When it comes to your wardrobe, it’s nice to add a bit of variation here and there. It’s often a struggle for many that they look in their wardrobe and can’t find anything appropriate to wear. That might be because you’ve not decluttered your wardrobe since last season or it could be because you’re missing a few essentials. Here are…

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Home Cleaning Tips: 10 Ways to Keep Your House Germ-Free *

*This is a guest post. The world is in a pandemic, and although some countries are recovering, many are still trying to cope. And one of the ways that the world is trying to deal with it is by becoming more conscious of cleanliness and sanitation. It’s a change for the better and a change that we should maintain. After all, self-isolating doesn’t necessarily mean…

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What’s the Benefits of a Smart TV over a Basic TV? *

*This is a collaborative post. The turn of the century brought in the smart TV; a TV that is just as interactive as a computer or tablet. Voice commands, internet access, apps, wifi, Bluetooth and casting–you name it. It is so self-sufficient, you don’t even require a cable network anymore to watch your favourite shows. The colourfully vivid, crisp resolution displays are so life-like, it…

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What To Know About Online Sex Stores And Their Discreet Shipping Policies *

*This is a collaborative post. Lots of people want to experiment with different sex toys in their relationship. You don’t necessarily have to be in a relationship to buy a particular sex toy. These toys have been created to allow pleasure and entertainment in people. However, some individuals feel ashamed to walk into a sex store, and ask questions like why is a dildo called…

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Tips for Picking the Right Wedding Band for Your Big Day

*This is a collaborative post. We know that picking the right band for your wedding could be incredibly challenging. To help you take the stress out of it and to add some excitement into the decision making procedure, read this article. Regardless if you are searching for a big, 10-piece swing band or an ordinary acoustic pair, you will discover skilled musicians who perform like…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!