London Living with an Alternative Twist!



Vineyard Hopping


Dog Friendly

Things to Do in Dublin for 2020 *

*This is a collaborative post. They say that travel broadens the mind and opens up a whole new world of possibilities. For 2020, if one of your New Year Resolutions is to travel more, why not make Dublin one of your first ports of call? Dublin is one of the most popular cities, not only in the British Isles, but in the whole of Europe.…

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Ten Fun Birthday Party Themes That Your Kids Will Adore *

*This is a collaborative post. When you’re a kid, there’s hardly anything that comes close to the excitement of your birthday. Christmas is definitely delightful, but a birthday is so much more exclusive. You get to be the centre of attention, receive gifts and eat more cake than you should. What’s not to love? But hosting a birthday party for an overachieving parent can be…

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An Expert’s Guide to Choosing the Right Garage Door *

*This is a collaborative post. When it comes to architecture and interior design, garage doors often take a backseat. However, in addition to creating a secure area for vehicles, garage doors also enhance a home’s curb appeal. They provide security from intruders and unfavourable weather conditions.  As garage doors provide functionality and aesthetic appeal, you cannot take the decision to select a garage door lightly.…

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The Top Bathroom Trends for 2020 *

*This is a collaborative post. The real estate industry remains one of the most lucrative industries, but great if you know how to strategize. You stand a chance of enjoying the luxuries if you improve the value of your home, and one of the best ways of doing that is being remodelling. Bathroom remodeling can notably increase the value of your home, but you have…

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New Beauty Treatments Everyone Is Trying This Year *

*This is a collaborative post. The world of weird and wonderful beauty treatments never stands still, and 2020 is no exception. This year, we’re going to see a range of new techniques and therapies hit the market, many of which you’ve probably never seen or heard of before.  What’s more, many of these innovative and exciting treatments are already here. Let’s take a look.  Oil-Based…

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Bathroom Remodelling? Ideas for those on a Budget *

*This is a collaborative post. If you are trying to upgrade and redesign your bathroom while keeping an eye on your tight budget, then we have tips for you. There are many ways you can make your bathroom look luxurious and modern without having to pay for high-end products. You can do that easily if you hit the right areas. Here are tips on doing…

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Queen; The Royal Mint Music Legends Collection *

*This is a sponsored post. I bloody love music, but I reckon you’ve probably guessed from the amount of festivals and gigs I go to! It’s been such a huge part of my life growing up as my parents are big music fans too. I went to my first gig at the age of 8 and I’ve never looked back since. I’ve got great memories…

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What do they do during an Eye Test? *

*This is a collaborative post. Any doctor’s appointment can be scary, but knowing what to expect before getting there makes it better. By knowing what kinds of questions to anticipate and the type of procedure you’ll be put through your mind will be at ease. Eye tests, like every other test, can make you anxious, especially if it’s your first time. From the moment you…

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I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!