London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Road Trippin’

So if you’ve been a long time reader of my blog you may remember the road trip I went on in 2013 around the UK to find the best burger, and take in some great British sights obviously! So when Age UK approached me to share their road trip tips I thought it’d be rather fitting… here goes a few of my favourites:


Stock up on essentials:  It’s always a good idea to have food and water with you when on long journeys, in case you get stuck anywhere for a long period of time.


Make sure your car is ‘ready to go’: It’s vital to check certain things on your car before setting off on a long journey. Ok, so that isn’t my car but a girl can dream right!!


Avoid driving through the night: Where you can, it’s best to avoid driving through the night. Not only does the darkness make it easier to nod off, your body will most probably be used to sleeping in these hours, making the urge to sleep inevitable.

Do you have any road trip tips?


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!