London Living with an Alternative Twist!

7 Things You Have to Do for a Great Time Travelling*

Travelling is always a good idea, in my humble opinion. What could be better than seeing the world, enjoying new experiences, and developing yourself in so many different ways? There are no end of benefits to getting out there and seeing the world properly. Why stay in your little town/city forever? There’s a whole world out there just begging to be explored! However, with all great ideas you usually need to create a plan. Here are 7 things you have to do for a great time travelling:


Create a List of Places to Go

Before you go travelling, you should probably have an idea in your head of where you’d like to visit. Create a list of places you’d like to go. It might help if you do them in the order you’d like to visit them in. To do that, you’ll probably need to research what will make the most sense flight-wise, but of course there are no rules.

Save Up as Much as You Can

Having money behind you is a must when you’re travelling, and you can never have too much of it. Save up as much as you can to keep you going. You’re going to need to pay for your digs, your food, your drink, your entertainment and all of that. Research how much you need and then save even more. You can never have too much! Just make sure you’re prepared to budget too, even if you feel like you have all the money in the world.

Be Prepared to Find a Job

Depending on where you want to travel and how long you’re going for, you may need to be prepared to find a job. A job will help you to top up your income if you’re travelling for a very long time. However, for visiting places like Australia, getting a job is compulsory. Make sure you do lots of research so that you know what is required of you in the countries you are visiting.


Embrace the Culture as if it Were Your Own

Be ready to embrace any culture as if it were your own. You need to respect the place you’re visiting, and you’ll have a better time if you enjoy the culture like a local. It’ll be very different to yours, so don’t have any expectations or anything like that. If you’re travelling to a place such as Africa, you can find out more about the specific areas you’re visiting via dedicated websites. You can never know too much!  

Be Flexible

Don’t get too attached to the plans you’ve made. There will most definitely be some surprises, and nothing ever goes to plan, so just relax. Go with the flow and don’t stress!

Stay Open Minded

Being open minded is a must for those who want to travel. Don’t turn your nose up at something just because they don’t do it where you’re from. Accept it as interesting and maybe even try it!

Live in the Moment

We should all live in the moment, but this is especially important while travelling. Don’t worry too much about the future and try to live in the now.

Have an amazing time!

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!