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Brick slips installation procedures usually differ depending on the type of surface the brick is being installed on. Brick slips for fireplace make one of the best products that can be used to renovate a fireplace. They can make the fireplace look more inviting and warmer, especially when you want to add a more traditional look in your home. The first step is usually to ensure you have all the right tools. For instance, you’ll need an excellent adhesive to secure the brick slips remain stable and solid. Cement-based adhesives tend to be the best because they have strong bonds that will guarantee reliability and long term durability. Cement is also easier to use compared to other types of adhesives like epoxy and Mortar. While epoxy may be strong, it is difficult to work with and is more costly. Mortar, on the other hand, tends to be weaker and is therefore not a suitable adhesive.
Understanding the structural aspects of brick slips is the first step when trying to choose an installation method. Any right installer of brick slips UK will tell you that those slips don’t have the strength needed to be part of the structure. As such, they should only be used as decorations. This is also part of the reason why they make the perfect solution for fireplace renovations.
Remember that fire cement pointers can end up damaging the fireplace instead. Better yet, have a professional brick slip installer do the work for you. All you have to do is state your specifications and preferences, and they’ll handle all the work.