London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Taking Your Dog For A Walk For The First Time: What You’ll Need *


Bringing a new dog home is a joyous and exciting occasion filled with new beginnings. One of those beginnings is the ritual of walking your dog, a bonding experience that is beneficial for both you and your pet. But when you’re about to embark on this journey for the first time, you might be left wondering, “What exactly will I need?” Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

The first thing to note is that preparation is key. Walking a dog for the first time can seem daunting, but with the right tools and mindset, it can turn into an enjoyable activity quickly. There’s more to it than just clipping on a leash and heading out the front door; it’s about making sure both you and your dog feel comfortable and safe.

Leash And Harness 

Now, the most essential item you will need is, of course, a leash. But not just any leash will do. A six-foot standard flat leash made from nylon or leather is often the best choice for beginners. This length allows your dog enough freedom to explore while still providing you with control. Avoid retractable leashes initially; they can make training more challenging and may not be as safe or reliable.

Next comes the collar or harness. While traditional collars are quite popular, a harness might be a better option for dogs that pull a lot or breeds with delicate throats. A harness provides you with better control and evenly distributes pressure, reducing the risk of injury.

Similar to a harness, you may want to opt for a dog muzzle. Dog muzzles will be useful for dogs that love to bite! It can be for their safety as well as other dogs and people out on a walk. You can find a range of dog muzzles easily online, and find one that suits the size of your dog.

ID Tags And Poop Bags!

Your dog’s identification tag is another crucial element. In the unfortunate event that your dog becomes lost, an ID tag can be instrumental in reuniting you with your pet. The tag should have your current contact information, such as your name, address, and phone number. Microchipping your dog is another good option and can serve as a backup if the ID tag ever gets lost.

Now, let’s talk about poop bags. Yes, you heard it right! As a responsible dog owner, it’s imperative that you clean up after your pet. Not only is it courteous to your community, but in many areas, it’s also the law. Always make sure to carry plenty of poop bags during your walks. Some owners find a small dispenser that attaches to the leash very convenient.

Treats And Hydration

Taking along some treats might also be a good idea, especially if you’re in the process of training your dog. Treats can be a great way to reinforce positive behaviour and make the walking experience more enjoyable for your pup. Just remember not to overdo it; treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake.

Lastly, don’t forget to bring water for both you and your dog, especially on warm days. Hydration is essential, and your dog will appreciate a refreshing drink during the walk. Portable dog water bottles or collapsible bowls can be quite handy.

While these are the necessary items, it’s also worth considering a few additional tools that might make your walks more enjoyable and safe. For night-time walks, consider getting a reflective leash, collar, or harness to make your dog more visible. A small flashlight or headlamp can also be useful, ensuring you can see the path clearly and spot any potential dangers.

Additionally, you may want to bring a few toys along for your dog to play with. If your walk includes a visit to a dog park, having a familiar toy can help your pet feel more comfortable in the new environment. Just ensure the toy is suitable for outdoor use and easy to clean.

As you prepare for this new experience with your dog, it’s essential to remember that patience is key. It might take some time for your dog to get used to the walking routine. They may stop frequently, try to pull on the leash, or show signs of anxiety. It’s crucial not to get frustrated. Instead, use positive reinforcement to guide your dog and establish a pleasant walking routine.

Be Patient! 

Don’t forget that this is a bonding experience for you and your dog. While it’s essential to have all the necessary tools and equipment, the most crucial part of the walk is the time you spend together. The shared exploration of the world outside your doorstep can build trust and strengthen the bond between you and your pet.

Just as every human is unique, so is every dog. What works for one dog might not work for another. Therefore, you should always observe your dog’s reactions during walks and adjust as necessary. Maybe your dog prefers a specific type of harness, or perhaps a certain route feels less stressful. Paying attention to these details can help make walks more enjoyable for both of you.

Safety is another key consideration. Make sure your route is safe and avoid areas with heavy traffic or loose dogs. Be respectful of other pedestrians and always keep your dog under control. Remember, your dog’s behaviour is your responsibility.


I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
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