London Living with an Alternative Twist!

Badminton Rackets for Children: A Buying Guide *


Introducing children to badminton not only promotes physical activity but also teaches them valuable coordination skills, discipline, and the joy of a lifelong sport. Selecting the right racket can make a significant difference in how comfortably and effectively a child plays. This guide aims to simplify the process of choosing the best children’s badminton racket for your young player.

Understanding the Importance of the Right Racket

The correct racket for a child depends on several factors including age, strength, and experience level. A well-chosen racket helps in reducing the risk of injury, while also making it easier for the child to learn and execute basic badminton strokes. An inappropriate racket, on the other hand, can lead to poor technique development and decreased interest in the game.

Racket Weight

Children require lighter rackets, typically those weighing between 85 to 100 grams. Lighter rackets are easier on the arms and help in developing good playing habits. Heavy rackets might cause strain to the wrist and shoulder, leading to discomfort or injury. The lighter the racket, the easier it is for a child to handle and swing, which is crucial during the learning phase.

Racket Balance

Racket balance is categorised into three types: head-heavy, even-balance, and head-light. For children, an even-balance or head-light racket is advisable as they are easier to handle and manoeuvre. These types of rackets offer a good balance between power and control, allowing young players to learn a range of shots without the racket being too unwieldy.

Racket Length

The standard badminton racket length is about 26.5 inches (674mm), but younger children might benefit from a slightly shorter racket. A racket that is too long can be difficult to control, while one that is too short may not allow proper reach during play. It’s best to have the child hold the racket in a store to see if they can handle it comfortably before making a purchase.

Shaft Flexibility

A flexible shaft is generally recommended for children as it provides additional whip action, compensating for the lower power typically generated by younger players. A flexible shaft helps in hitting the shuttlecock farther without requiring a lot of arm strength. As children grow and their playing style develops, they may transition to a more stiff shaft which offers better control for precision shots.

Grip Size

The grip size is also critical, especially for children whose hands are still growing. A smaller grip size is ideal for smaller hands as it allows for a proper and comfortable hold on the racket. Ensuring the grip is neither too big nor too small is key to preventing unwanted slippage during play and ensuring the racket feels like a natural extension of the arm.

Material and Build Quality

Junior badminton rackets are usually made from aluminium or composite materials, which are both lightweight and durable. While aluminium rackets are affordable and good for beginners, composite rackets can offer better flexibility and a nicer feel, beneficial for slightly older or more experienced junior players.

Price and Durability

Investing in an excessively expensive racket for a child beginner might not be wise, considering children quickly outgrow their equipment both physically and skill-wise. Opt for something affordable yet durable enough to withstand rough use as children learn the ropes of the game. As their interest and skill level increase, you can consider upgrading to a higher-end model tailored to their needs.

Aesthetic Appeal

While it might not affect performance, the look of the racket can be very important to a child. A racket in their favourite colour or with graphics of their favourite characters can make playing more exciting and personal. This seemingly minor factor can enhance their enthusiasm for playing and practising the sport.


Choosing the right badminton racket for a child involves considering multiple factors, each contributing to the overall ease and enjoyment of the game. It’s worth taking the time to select a racket that matches the child’s physical capabilities and interest level. By focusing on the weight, balance, length, flexibility, grip size, and material of the racket, parents can provide their children with a tool that not only enhances their playing experience but also fosters a healthy, active lifestyle through the wonderful game of badminton.

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