London Living with an Alternative Twist!

5 Creative Ways to Fund Your Travels *


Planning the adventure of a lifetime? 

Whether you’re in part-time work or you’ve just finished studying at university, going travelling demands healthy funding and careful organisation. Your efforts will pay off when you finally get to see the world. In the digital age, exploring new environments can boost our confidence and improve our mental health too.

In this guide, we’ve listed five of the best ways to help you think outside-the-box and earn some extra cash before you embark on your trip. 

Our top 5 side-hustles before travel


Did you know that you can offer almost any skill independently? Whether you’re good at writing, computer programming, painting, carpentry or consultancy, there’s a strong chance that you can sell your services on a self-employed basis.

The best way to start out is by building a portfolio, no matter your specialism. Collate physical materials and examples of your work – or build a digital collection if you’ve only worked online. You only need one or two returning clients to make a pleasant return that helps to boost your income, perfect for putting some spare cash aside. 


Whether you’ve got an A Level in biology or you’ve studied English to degree level, teaching others in your spare time could be a fantastic way to secure additional income. If you’ve got a computer with a microphone, webcam, and fast Wi-Fi connection, you can teach remotely too.

This flexible and accessible side-hustle might feel more like a hobby if you enjoy it. You can choose who you teach when you’re self-employed, so there’s never any requirement for formal qualifications to get started. Just bear in mind that if you’re planning to tutor primary or secondary school children, you should obtain a DBS check before you start.

Online trading

Online trading takes initial investment to make a start, but it could be lucrative if you get things right. If you have a sound knowledge of the markets and you’re willing to take some advice, it won’t take long to learn effective and profitable trading strategies.

Trading is mostly about managing and acknowledging risk, so you must be prepared to make some losses. If you’ve never tried it before, online trading platforms like Tradu make the markets more accessible and less intimidating for beginners.


If you’re into photography, why not get your work seen by more people? Selling your photos as digital stock images or professional prints could connect you to a wider audience.

It’s worth starting conversations on forums specific to your niche. Whether you’re a photographer of natural landscapes, wildlife, pets, motorsports or people, there’s bound to be a community who would pay for and appreciate your work. Photography is all about making connections, so don’t hesitate to start building a network. 

Seasonal work

Finally, it’s worth taking advantage of seasonal employment options. Though some of these might involve repetitive tasks or manual labour, they’re both low-commitment and short-term – perfect for saving before you depart on a longer adventure. 

From supporting local farmers through the harvest season to working all winter on a ski resort, there are so many options for temporary work. No matter where or when you start, you’ll have a clear end date in mind to help you plan the start of your travels.

Making some extra cash never hurts in the lead-up to your big departure date. Even when you’re busy, squeezing in some side-hustles only takes creativity and determination. Good luck!

I'm Squibb Vicious, better known as Haydy!
Happiest with a craft beer in hand, eating til my heart is content or exploring somewhere new.
Here you can read about my adventures!